Third finger 'middle' you choose who comes in or goes out

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Two years later....

"Come on let's go" I walked in my room as two heads twirled to my direction mum putting the perfume down as my sister dashed towards me flashing her pearly whites smile.

"Let's go" she dragged me as we made our way out of the house and into the car I happily got in the back seat as my sister started the engine and drove.



I'm going to faint

"You'll be okay just getting up shaking hands then done" I held my sisters cold yet warm hand reassuringly as I reluctantly nod at her seeing a group of students I join them as we make small chats amongst each other.

"Congratulations" I hear as I walk towards my mum and sister with my certificate after taking pictures with a couple of friends and other college students.

"I'm so proud of you Mia" my sister shrieked with excitement

"Finally its over" I murmur to myself

"let's celebrate" she beamed and my mum hugged me

"Where will we be going" I asked with a contagious smile

"My treat of surprise" she smiled as we walked towards the car.

[Time lapse]

"We're here" I smiled as my sister parked the car tilting my head to see the very tall intimidating building as my smile vanished.

"Cafe Khaź"

"Well it was"

"You mean it expanded"

"Yes that's how business works right?"


"Come on I need to take you other places too" my sister snapped me out of my reverie

"I guess I'm too excited to get out" I said with my very well practiced smile.

[Time lapse]

We ordered our favourites greek salad with definite feta cheese and my dish to die for mushroom and chicken filling ravioli drizzled with caramelized white sauce.

"Thank you" I held my sisters hand in mine tightly

"Don't thank me just yet" I eyed her mischievous looking at her very cheeky smirk develop on her lips.

"Fine keep me guessing" I sipped from my red wine.

"That's what you'll be doing anyways" my sister laughed this cheeky girl really knows how to be game doesn't she something tells me this game won't be so much fun.

"I'm sitting with you" my mum dismissively waved at my sister that made her face drop then smile as she walked to the drivers seat. I hugged and slept on my mum's comforting shoulder.

"No don't sleep I'll get mad at you" my sister pouted adorably from the top mirror of her left shoulder.

"I'm reviving my energy for later on" I smirked as my mum held me tighter and laughed.

During the whole afternoon we spent it dinning out taking pictures near the car the beach or nearly anywhere that we found it was closing to night time as my sister drove and I was saying jokes that made my mum laugh so hard she nearly choked on her own breathe.

"I want you to meet someone very special to me" we were at what looked like someone's house definitely not ours it was way to big like a mansion.

"Someone" I repeated not being able to process what she said I think I'm too sleepy to focus on what she's babbling about.

"You'll see" she smiled and walked up five stares that were displayed on the front of us I kept following her towards what looked like a beautiful light blue furnished gazebo the view was breathtaking there were different types of flowers planted around the gazebo and the whole field there was only few lights on which made it so romantic as if it was artistically drawn by an artist. This place was truelly heaven on earth. The concrete pathway lead to the gazebo I followed both my mum and sister until I sow I figure sitting inside I frowned to myself was that the special someone my sister was talking about I assumed he was I'm not sure if I'll like this.

Both my mum and sister stood and waited for me to enter as if I was a princess which I considered myself to be to my own mum and sister.

"I want you to meet my fiancee"

"Fiancee" I repeated questionably
"Lovely Mia do you remember me" I heard an oh too familiar voice so I twirled my head to see the familiar figure standing looking at me with his piercing blue eyes.

My world was falling apart

"Sweetheart you go inside with your mum I'll catch up in a while" I was following my sister until I was stopped in my tracks.

"Good to see you again Mia it's been long"

"Two year's actually"

"Time flies doesn't it"

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