Episode 11

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I woke up bright and early because today, the new daughter in law of the family was coming in.

Mami said she wanted to see me at 11am today. I got dressed in a light pink floral gown and wore matching shoes.

I kissed Ahmad on the cheek and left the room. I informed Inna and fauziya that they were also going to the family house because I didn't want his aunts to say I didn't want to bring them again.

I chose their outfits for the day and when I came out of their room, I found Amma awake on her crib.

I chose their outfits for the day and when I came out of their room, I found Amma awake on her crib

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I picked her up and placed a warm kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning baby" I left the room so we won't wake Awwal up.

I ate my breakfast as I was feeding her.

Mummy duties.

I finished and waited for her to fall asleep but she didn't so I gave her to Inna and slyly walked out of the house.

I reached the family house in no time and went to Mami's room.

" Ina kwana Mami" I hugged her from behind.

" My daughter how are you? Ya gajiyan jiya" she asked ( How was the tiredness of yesterday)

" Alhamdullilah, as soon as I got home, I fell asleep ai" I chuckled

" Nima haka, we left shortly after you guys" she turned around and picked her jewelry and placed it next to her lafaya.

" I wanted to tell you that when the Amarya comes, after Salma unveils her, you will take her round to greet the elders and everyone else but not everybody¹" she laughed. " Then you'll take her to salim's room to rest and that will be all but you'll have to stay with her for some time" she finalised.

" Insha Allah everything will go smoothly, I'll do that Mami" I smiled.

" And one more thing, I've noticed how Su Anti have been treating you, don't let it get to you, that's what they want and trust me when falmata comes in, they will shower her with love just to spite you but you keep your head up held high and move on, ok, Allah ya miki Albarkah" She hugged me.

" Thank you Mami" I said and left the room. I was really thankful for Mami because I was already worried about what they will say.

I went to Salmas room and found her on the bed as if she just woke up.

" Sannu sarauniya, stand up, we have work to do" I dragged her off the bed.

" Haba hams, let me rest a bit and which work kuma" she lazily looked at me.

" Ai me too mami didn't let me rest so I won't let you, ke dai we have work so enter and take a bath" I pushed her to the bathroom and threw a towel at her.

I sat on the bed and Ahmad's call came through.

" Hello, you left already?" A hint of dissapointment in his voice.

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