Episode 56

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* Knock knock

This was the second time that I heard a knock at my door by 8am in the morning. They know I hate it when they wake me up in the morning.

I got up and opened the door, it was Hamma which was very odd at this time.

" Can I come in?" He said and I nodded rubbing my eyes that still begged for sleep.

I switched on the lamps and sat on my bed as he sat on the couch beside the balcony.

I wonder what he wants...

" We need to talk." He cleared his throat and sat up.

" Okay..." I said.

" Uncle Nura came over yesterday and we talked about you. He said he is worried that since your past experience, you wouldn't want to look at even the thought of remarrying."

" Yes I won't." I replied.

" Calm down. He said you are still quite young and your kids are also very young to not have a father figure in their lives so he suggested you get married to his wife's nephew."

Here we go again.

" First of all, my kids DO have a dad, he is alive Alhamdullilah. I am okay the way that I am and I don't need a man to dictate my life, not anymore. Thank you Hamma but No." I stood up, I was already getting riled up by the thought of it.

Do they want to get rid of me this easily?

" Hameedah Calm down. This is what he said, doesn't mean I agree with him. You need your time and that's why I declined on your behalf, which he wasn't too happy about." He also stood up.

" Okay. I'm just sick and tired of being the one that is pitied and looked at like a child. I'm a grown woman and I can dictate my life the way I want to."

" I understand, I'm sorry if this upset you." He hugged me and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

" It's okay. I think I'm just going to end up marrying this Uncle Nura, he is too obsessed with me." I chuckled and he knocked my head.

" Shameless girl, your own uncle." He shook his head and went out the door.

I got up uneasy after that conversation but knowing that wasn't going to happen gave me peace of mind. I feel like as long as I'm in their line of sight, they will never stop criticizing and dictating my life.

I've been thinking about moving out actually. Getting my own apartment and moving out with the kids. I think I just need my own space to fully move on, away from prying eyes. But that's just a thought for now, I have to see first how the next few months are then that's when I'll finally decide.

It was already 30 minutes past 8 and I had to be at Nadiya's by 10 so I got into the shower and took a quick one. I forgot to switch on the heater so I bathed with cold water which wasn't appealing at all. I came out and switched on the room heater as Bamanga stirred in his sleep. I had to be completely still because if he wakes up, I will definitely be late. He went back to sleep so I put on my Maroon abaya and wore some flats that matched perfectly well with it. I called Yusuf and told him I was awake so he wouldn't make me late.

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