Learning to live: wards

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I crept into peeta's room still holding on to Luca's hand. Peeta looked so peaceful I had forgotten how much I had missed his voice I hadn't heard it in a week. I wanted so badly to tell peeta about the baby considering I must be at least 12 weeks. I knew I should see the doctor but didn't want to make any plans with out peeta. He wanted this so badly much more than me. Every since we officially got together he wanted one. I always told him I couldn't give him a child or children and he understood. Now I could give him the thing he wanted most in the world and I couldn't tell him. There were two seats in peeta's room but Luca insisted he sat on my knee and he was unusually quiet.
"You can talk to him" I told Luca.
"But he's Sleeping he won't hear me or talk to me" he frowned.
"He can hear you"
Luca looked at me puzzled. "Really?"
I nodded enthusiastically so Luca would speak to him. If it was true that peeta could hear he would love heading Luca's voice.
Luca began to speak to peeta about what he had been learning in school. He told peeta about how he had been learning about the 12 districts and what they all represented. He was only in nursery so he luckily wouldn't know about the hunger games or rebellion for another 5 years or so. Even then he wouldn't have the full detail and gore of the events. They would be taught that when they were 14. Some people argued they should know their ancestors past froM being at least 12. Considering people that age competed in the hunger games and even watched the
From being 6 or 7. I guess times had changed and parents wanted to protect their children from all the pain the last generation suffered. I agreed partly with what some adults argued 12 year olds should know about what happened. Mostly because they would remember the rebellion and maybe even the hunger games. Some children were orphans and needed to know why their parents were gone. But this was the new society and protecting children and keeping peace were main priorities.
I also talked to peeta with Luca about things he had missed and how everybody was here waiting for him to wake up. After a hour had past his nurse came into the room to inform me he was being moved out of recovery and into his own room. She told me he was stable his blood count was good and his pressure was perfect. The only thing we could do now was wait. Surprisingly I hadn't been sick in the last few days which I was glad about I didn't fancy having that on my plate as well. However I did need the toilet more frequently in the past hour I had at least 3 wee's and I needed another already.
"Luca I'm just going to the toilet do you need it?" I asked.
"No we've only just been" he stated.
"Well you're going to have to come because there's no one to watch you"
"Noooo" he whined.
"Come on Luca we will come straight back"
"I'll watch him"
I turned around to see gale in the doorway.
"You're up early" I said.
"Yeah couldn't exactly sleep" he replied.
"Is anyone else up?" I asked.
"Nearly. Annie and johanna have gone to yours to grab peeta some stuff"
Even though it was 7 it was still dark outside.
"I won't be long" I told gale. I couldn't hold it anymore. My bladder had turned terrible since being pregnant I hated it.
"Just go" he laughed.
I made my way back down the annoying maze of the corridor feeling very tired.

I had taken longer than anticipated at the toilet not being Able to find it for over 10 minutes. My memory was also becoming very forgetful which highly annoyed me. I approached peetas room and his bed was
Empty. Dread and panic took over my body. Gale had Luca in his arms speaking to peetas on call doctor. I felt the urge to run but my legs wouldn't cooperate. Luca had noticed me. "Auntie Kat" he squealed.
Gale turned around. "What's happening?" I panicked.
Gale began to walk over which panicked me even more causing the hot
Sweats I had the day before to resurface.
"Katniss" his voice was soft as if he was speaking to a child. I knew that voice. A voice when you have to break bad news.
"Just tell me" I demanded.
He looked confused. "Peeta is fine" he smiled.
A tidal wave of relief washed over me.
"He's awake and having his catheter removed. The first person he asked for was you. I'm sorry yours wants the first face he saw."
I let a huge amount of air out of my cheeks after I realised I had been holding my breath.
"As long as he's okay and I'm happy Luca got to see him" I waited a beat. "When will he be back?"
"He's moving wards he's not seriously ill anymore he can go on a regular ward" his smile became even larger.
"Thank god, I'll have to let everybody know"
"Don't worry about that you go see peeta I'll take Luca and let everybody know what's happening" he paused a second before pointing. "YOU have something to tell peeta"
At first I had no clue what he was talking about. At that moment I had forgotten I was even pregnant. I felt awful what sort of mother would I be if I couldn't even remember I was having a baby.
"Yeah" I smiled.
Peetas doctor stood at the nurses station.
"See you later" gale said hugging me.
We went in opposite directions.
"Doctor Roth?" I asked peetas new doctor.
She turned around flashing her pearl white teeth.
"Hello Katniss" she extended her long pale arm for me to shake. She had perfectly manicured nails in bright red. Her hair was a soft brown and her eyes a golden brown with tones of green in.
"Peeta has been moved to ward 5B he hasn't stopped asking for you"
I didn't mean to laugh but he didn't even know his doctors he hadn't even asked what had happened to him he just wanted me.
I shook my head laughing. "I'm heading over there now"
"Before you go doctor Sloan informed me you're pregnant Over 12 weeks, I would like you to go up to maternity before you leave. Ask for Marian you need a scan" her Smile grew bigger.
"Okay thank you" I said walking off.
In these past 5 years I hadn't been away from peeta for longer than 4 days. It had been a full week of dread panic and sleepless nights. Not having peeta here made me feel like I had this huge hole in my life. I know if I had lost him it would have never been filled again. I can only imagine how Annie felt losing finnick.
Soon enough I had arrived at peeta's ward. I buzzed the intercom so I could actually get on the ward. Signing in was mandatory and added a extra 10 minutes on my journey. A nurse who was called Jo gave me a update on his condition and directed me to his bed. The nurse made me laugh her bubbly personality, squeaky voice and blonde hair. She shared the same name as our johanna but they were complete opposites.
A curtain divided me and peeta I took a deep breath feeling nervous. I had no clue why I felt nervous with peeta we had been through so much. I counted to 3 and ripped the curtain open. Smiling back at me was a fresh faced blonde haired blue eyed peeta.

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