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"Everybody up, were in the Capitol" Effie chirped, she seemed to have fully got rid of her hangover.

"Urggh seriously it's 7am on a Monday" Johanna yawned.

We all must of fell asleep in the living cart because peeta was lay across one of the booths, Luca on his chest, gale somehow was in a ball on the floor an Johanna sprawled out on the couch.

"Come on you've all got stylists to attend to, also they want to film you in your old living quarters if you wouldn't mind" Effie said.

All the arenas were knocked down, but the living quarters were too valuable an expensive to knock down just to rebuild as hotels. All 12 living compartments from all 75 hunger games haven't been touched since the 3rd quarter quell the rest was just expanded.

"Yeah whatever" Johanna groggily spoke as she lifted the coffee that was waiting on the table next to her.

Pollux came staggering in with a full morning head tiredly smiling at us all. Even though Pollux couldn't talk to us he still listened to our conversations an converted his words onto a machine that spoke the words he couldn't say.

"Morning pol" Johanna said as Pollux sat next to her.

He held a thumbs up to obviously still tired.

"Come on we've got to be off this train by 7:30 were in the Capitol soon pulling up to the station so everybody please get a move on" Effie repeated.

I stretched my legs out before pulling my body up.

"See katniss is moving now come on" Effie persisted.

"Yeah for coffee" I tiredly said.

"You've still stood up, now wake your husband up" Effie sounded like she was getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay" I was now too getting frustrated.

"No need to wake me up I've been up for the last hour listening to you all" peeta said his eyes still closed.

After everybody slowly woke up an started slowly moving Effie seemed in a better mood. I hadn't seen her this tetchy since the victory tour I suppose she's abit out of practice. I had knots tightening in my stomach for the interview, I didn't want to break down on stage but I didn't want to seem so hard about it all. Snapping back into reality I realised peeta had asked me to watch Luca while he showered. Annie still hadn't come to speak to us or see Luca she left her room in the train to just lock herself in the hotel room, nobody wanted to pressure her, me most of all. I looked at the clock, it was 12:30 pm already Octavia, venia and Flavius would be there in half an hour an I just didn't have the energy for them.

"Kat you alright?" Peeta asked stepping back into our room, just a towel round his lower body, drying his hair with another towel.

"Yeah" I forced a smile.

"It will be okay you know" he said walking over to the bed.

"How do you do that? Know what I'm thinking about, or know when I'm fake smiling?"

" I've been in love with you since I can remember and once you love somebody you get to know everything about them. Their real smile their fake smile, their happy crying, sad crying, fake crying, which you do rather well actually."

I looked at him annoyed but could keep a straight face.

"You're such a dick do you know that?" I laughed.

"Well I've been told quite a few times" he shrugged.

I shook my head laughing, peeta was the only person who could truly make me laugh at a time like this.

"I miss her" I suddenly said thinking about her blonde braids.

"I know, I do too"

"I just don't want to breakdown on stage" I confessed

"You won't, you're stronger than that, I'm there with you the full time okay? I won't leave you" peeta clasped my hand.

"It's just I'm more worried about Annie"

"To be honest kat I don't think she will be coming"

"Yeah I didn't think so, I mean we've had her son for 3 days"

"She just needs time" peeta said rubbing my shoulders.

"It's just all my fault Bringing her back here to district 4 an if that wasn't bad enough i sobbed Infront of her. Poured my heart out about finnick, I know she blames me for his death, I know she does." I felt that stupid fucking lump form in the back of my throat again.

"Don't, don't you dare" peeta angrily stood up. "Do you really think she thinks that?, she knows it wasn't your fault an so do you. Finnick wanted to protect you he wanted you to live so don't you dare blame yourself he did it for you, like you were willing to do for prim an me because you loved us"

I never really thought about it like that, like he knew what he was doing.

"You didn't see the state Annie was in at his grave or the way she looked at me"

Peeta looked like he was about to say something else until someone knocked on the door before opening.

"Hello newlyweds" Flavius chirped.

Peeta gave me a disappointed An angry look walking out of the room taking Luca with him.

"Oh is everything okay?" Octavia asked.

"Fine" I fakely smiled.

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