Learning to live

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"I swear to god I'm going to kill them all" Johanna said As we walked out of the bridal shop.

"They are drinking a lot" I sighed.

"Yeah well they aren't anymore, peeta is looking after Luca an they all can't be getting drunk everyday" Johanna said back.

"I will make sure their not all drunk while you three are in 4" delly said.

"Yeah just don't bring Melissa she will be the ring leader in the drinking" I laughed.

"I think it would be better if I took Luca with us" Annie said biting her nails.

"No he will be fine with peeta, we all know How sensible peeta is jeez" Johanna Said.

"Hey" I smacked her arm.

"I didn't say it was a bad thing" she said back.

"I know it's just not his responsibility to look after somebody else's baby for what 3days?" Annie nervously said.

"He said he would do it so let him" daisy shrugged.

Annie just sighed.

"If they're drunk already I will axe them all" Johanna half joked opening my front door.

"Hmmm I can smell cheese buns, cake an definitely vodka" delly said.

"You can smell that from all the way back here?" Johanna asked shocked, the kitchen was at the opposite side of the house.

"Yeah" she said confused.

"It's normal, I used to smell everything an I mean everything, a like when you eat meat it's like you can taste the animal" Annie said.

Delly looked disgusted "nice".

All 5 of us walked into the kitchen to more people than we expected, Tammie, Melissa, someone mel was stood with, greasy sae an her family, Leighton an his girlfriend Dana, Rory , I don't know where the the other hawthornes were, an obviously Peeta, Gale, Thom, Haymitch, thom an Luca.

"Oh hi" I laughed.

Everybody was stood around the kitchen drinking, I could smell south food my belly basically screamed for it.

"Hey kat" peeta smiled.

Johanna gave gale an almost death stare.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well we thought it would be nice to have dinner an a few drinks before everybody comes to the wedding on Saturday" peeta said sweetly.

I smiled at him as he embraced me for a hug Kissing my forehead.

"Yeah quality time" gale said pouring his next drink, he had been drinking a lot lately .

Johanna looked pretty pissed off, She turned around pouring herself a drink.

"So what's on the menu 'chef' " I smirked at peeta.

"Beef dinner" he said pulling me closer.

"Good choice" I smiled before he planted a kiss on my lips.

"I love you katniss everdeen" he whispered.

"Ditto" I whispered back.

He leaned back in so our lips

We're almost touching. "Is that all I get ditto" he jokingly asked me.

I leaned in further making our lips skim each others an smiled "I love you bread boy" I finally said before crashing my lips into peeta's. I don't think we would of broke away if it wasn't for the oven timer going off signalling peeta.

I turned back around to the guests, Annie speaking to delly an thom, Rory talking to daisy, Melissa kissing who ever her date was an Pollux an Tammie sat with Leighton an Dana.

I turned to my right to see gale an Johanna both looking pissed off. Gale did look very drunk.

"Gale come on, that's your 6th drink an it's 5 o'clock" I heard Johanna said.

"Jesus Johanna I'm not a kid!" He said sternly.

I don't think anybody else was listening at this point just me an maybe peeta by the glances he kept giving me.

"Yeah well you're acting like a teenager" she shot back.

"Do you ever stop nagging me? It's a drink I'm 20 years old for fuck sake" he said downing his drink, then going to refill it. Johanna grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Johanna let go" he said quietly but sternly.


"Let go Johanna" he said softer.

"No, I want to speak to you in the living room" she pulled the bottle from him slamming it down in front of a confused Leighton.

gale swayed out the room with Johanna straight behind him. I knew I shouldn't be listening but I wanted to make sure they both were okay, so I walked towards the door.

"Are you serious?" Johanna said to gale.

"What I can't enjoy a drink now?" He asked angry.

"No not when it's at least 8 a day an till the point where you're drunk! An you're not the best drunk gale!" She angrily said back.

"You're not exactly ray of sunshine are you Johanna? An your not even drunk" he sniggered.

Now that was out of order.

"See this is what I mean gale, I thought you wanted to stop" she spoke calmer.

"Yeah well I don't" he didn't speak any calmer more vile actually.

"You know what all I do is try an help you! God sake gale! Can't you see you have a problem?" Her anger returned.

"Yeah well it's not just me who has 'problems' is it jo?" He snorted.

I hadn't realised but the kitchen went silent, everybody had caught on that Johanna an gale were rowing.

A silence stretched between gale an Johanna.

"Gale that is not fair" she sounded like she was about to cry.

More silence.

"I know" he cleared his throat. "I know" he sounded hurt.

"So what do we do now" Johanna's voice seemed to crack.

"I don't know, try to sort it i guess" I heard gale say.

"There's a lot of guessing in this conversation" Johanna sniffed.

"What do we do about us?" Gale asked more hurt in his voice than before.

Johanna snuffled again, "do you love me?" She asked

At this point I realised gale was facing the door an Johanna was almost stood against it. I heard his almost silent hunters walk towards the door. More silence.

"stupid question" he said to Johanna. "Of course I love you"

This caused Johanna to sob even more.

"Will we get threw this?" Gale asked.

"I, I don't know" Johanna snuffled. "I honestly don't know".

I thought back to district 13 when Johanna was so weak, when she let her tough exterior shatter. When she needed somebody to show they cared an loved her, shown her a reason to live. In the quarter quell I thought Johanna was a crazy bitch who didn't give a shit about anyone but herself. Like when she told president snow she would 'set his backyard in fire' an was mean to wireress. But in 13, I saw the real Johanna, the Johanna who so desperately wanted someone to love her an see her for who she is, an I know gale sees that. The Johanna who created a bond with peeta, the Johanna who's heart is one of the biggest I know. I know nobody would understand what she went threw like gale does. And I know she is hopelessly in love with him. They wouldn't throw their love away over this, they couldn't, could they?.

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