Learning to live: reality

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"Hovercrafts here" Annie shouted from outside the lobby of the hotel.

We all slowly walked on to the green outside the hotel all nursing a hangover, Annie was the only one who seemed to be okay.

"Last night was so fun" Annie giggled.

"It really was, well what I can remember of it" I laughed. "Thanks everyone"

"Yeah yeah your welcome, speaking of fun has anyone heard off mel?" Johanna asked.

"Over there" daisy pointed laughing, to a small girl with scraggy brown hair, wearing a mans shirt. Heels an last nights dress in hand frantically running at us.

"Yep that's Melissa" Johanna shook her head boarding the hovercraft.

"Come on dirty stop out" Effie shouted from behind us.

"I'm running as fast as I can my head an body is aching" Melissa panted from behind us.

"You're crazy" I laughed when she finally caught up.

"Thank you" she smiled walking in front of me.

"Mel I don't think that was a compliment" Johanna tapped Melissa on the shoulder.

Melissa just rolled her eyes. "Thanks for last night Ann, tommy is a nice guy" mel told Annie.

"Ohh tommy! Yeah I remember now he was in my high school" Annie nodded her head.

"Good in bed too" Melissa added.

"You're so horrible Melissa" daisy laughed.

"You were all going to ask anyway" she shrugged.

"I was" Johanna said. "I wonder how

The men's night went"

"Have any of you heard off them?" I asked everybody.

"I woke up from a text from Pollux, he sent it at 2am though, an we didn't get in till 6am so I mussed of missed it. All it said was 'don't get to drunk, have a good night' so I don't know what's going on now" Tammie told us.

"They're probably passed out in the Capitol somewhere" Johanna scoffed.

"That is probably right" Effie shook her head.

"I just hope my house isn't a wreck if" I added.

"Check the mockingjay not wanting a messy house" Johanna mocked.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Are you coming back to district 12 or going back to 2?" Annie asked Johanna.

"Well me an gale want to stay in 12 for a while, it's nice having people around. So we're not in both your hairs were renting one of the houses in the victors village. And I can live there because I'm a victor" she smiled smugly.

"What an i can't?" Melissa said cockily.

"Exactly, while you were still wearing nappies I won my hunger games" Johanna laughed.

"Ladies" Effie warned."Look we're landing, so just Manage not to kill each other for the next 5 minutes an you can all go your separate ways"

The hovercraft descended on to the meadow an we grabbed our fully stuffed bags.

Everybody except paylor an Effie started to get off the hovercraft;


"Oh katniss, i forgot to tell you, I'm spending the remainder of the week in district 4, planning the wedding and all. You will fly out on Wednesday with Annie an Johanna an the rest of your bridesmaids. The men will fly out on Thursday, ready for the wedding on Saturday" she curtly nodded.

"Sure" I smiled. "Are you coming on Saturday paylor?"

"Like I'd miss anther night like last nights" she laughed

"True" I smiled an nodded. "See you in 4 then" I said waving, leaving the hovercraft last.

"I knew she would do something like that" daisy shook her head laughing.

"You should of saw her back in my games an victors tour! Always sticking the the schedule" I told them all. "I guess their probably wouldn't be

A wedding with out her though, I don't know how to plan a dinner never mind a wedding" I joked.

"I can vouch for that" Johanna piped.

"I knew you would stick your nose in" I shot back.

"Ooo don't get your wings in a flap" she looked at me with that evil mischievous look before adding "mockingjay".

"You know that joke really gets old" I told her.

"Well I'm going home to sleep this hangover off" Melissa put her hand up waving to us heading off to her house.

"Me too" Annie yawned. "Greasy sae only has Luca till 7pm an it's 2 now, I'll ring youse tonight" she said as she walked off.

Everybody left one by one to their houses an I just Stood staring at the meadow.

"You coming girl on fire?" Johanna asked.

"Yeah in a minute" I think she knew something was wrong because I didn't fire back at her.

"What's up?" She asked concerned.


She folded her arms giving me a scolding look

"It's just were all getting on with our lives, an this time last year thousands of people were dying. Because of me. It's like we've just forgot, so many people won't be at the wedding who needed to be there. I feel I'm a horrible person, carrying on with life when so many people have lost their lives" I shrugged.

Johanna lost her sarcastic act an became serious. "I think every single one of us feel like that, I do" she repeated "I do" she paused before carrying on. "All of us, surviving victors, soldiers all of us who took a part in the rebellion feel like that. At some point you have to get on with life, an you're doing great" she stood beside me looking at the meadow.

"Thank you jo" that's all I said, all I could say, hugging her.

Just like that the moment passed.

"Come on soldier everdeen, lets get some food an sleep" she threw her arm over my shoulder guiding me back to mine an peeta's house.

"Hey do you know if peeta has baked any of them cheese buns?" Johanna asked as we walked away

"Probably they're my favourite" I laughed. Realising Johanna was right for once. Every single death in the rebellion was meaningful. Creating a safer panem, learning to live again might be easier than I thought.


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