Learning to live: new baby

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The next morning, waking to a hyper Luca jumping all over mine an peeta's bed i realised I hadn't had any nightmares the night before.
Peeta looked over to me while Luca wriggled around in the sheets.
"No nightmares last night" he smiled
"No nightmares" I repeated.
"No nightmares" Luca mimicked probably thinking it were some sort of game.
"Hey luke, your mamas back today" peeta told Luca.
"Nooo I want to stay here with you an aunt kat" he squealed hiding his face under the quilt.
Peeta shook his head laughing.
"Don't be silly" he tickled his belly.
"I dooooo" he whined.
"Why would you want to stay here? All your toys are at your house an I'm sure you miss your mama" I stated.
Luca peeped his head out of the covers, his bottom lip dominating his top one.
"Come on cheer up, you're not exactly moving away you live opposite us" peeta told him.
Sometimes peeta speaks to him like he's 10.
"And you can see aunt delly's baby today, you're a big cousin now you have to be a big boy" I said.
"Really?" He asked amazed.
"Really" I repeated smiling.
"What's the baby called?"
"She's called phoebe" peeta smiled.
"Ohh okay" is all he replied jumping out of bed.
"Where you going?" Peeta asked Luca.
"To get to see the baby"
Peet let out a laugh "it's only 6:30 mate nobody is up this early"
Luca looked hurt.
I shook my head at peeta.
"Come on let's go get some breakfast" peeta said walking over to Luca taking his hand.
If nobody knew us an we were far away from here just the 3 of us we would look like a family. Luca an peeta both had blue eyes an pale skin. Luca's had sandy hair though just like finicks. Smiling to myself I hopped out bed to thinking about how finnick had left a massive mark in the world. He had a massive impact in all of our lives before Luca. He left many scars behind I mean all of us missed him so much his death wrecked us completely. Mostly on Annie of course, but Luca is the biggest mark he could of left. Everyone still had piece of finnick here. That's the only thing that gets Annie through I think.
"Kat? You coming?" Peet shouted up the stairs.
I realised I had been stood in the door frame for a while.
"Yeah" I shouted back. Feeling content with my life in that second.

"Please let me try an tie my own shoe laces" Luca whined
"Luca come on mate we're already late I promise I will teach you how to tie them when we get home" peeta told him
"Okay" he pouted
For a just turned 3 year old he was quite smart.
"Is everyone ready?" I shouted from the living room.
"Yeah" peeta an Luca shouted in unison.
"Come on then baby phoebe won't wait forever" I smiled at Luca
"I can't wait" he beamed
Peeta looked at me smiling.
"Hold uncle peeta's hand while I lock up Luca"
"I will" he said, he waited a beat then carried on "it's only over the street though"
"It is, but for a little boy it's a dangerous road" peeta told him sternly.
Luca put his head down n held on to peeta's hand.
"Come on cheer up you get to see auntie delly's baby" I said
This brought his cheeky smile back.
All 3 of us walked over to delly an Thom's feeling autumn in the air. The season of change. I love autumn the colour of the leaves turn a golden colour an it isn't too warm nor too cold. Winter is on the way but isn't fully here so I can still hunt with out being freezing. I do quite like Christmas now, me an peeta celebrate it now. We buy each other presents an all our other friends. Peeta cooks for us all on Christmas Day an thanksgiving from a turkey I have caught in the woods an we all light candles for those we have lost. I love how close our group of friends are, basically family.
"Hey guys" thom smiled opening the door"Hello Luca I haven't seen you in ages, how longs it been?" Thom crouched down to speak to Luca
"Ages" Luca repeated
Thom laughed standing back up to his 6ft frame."Come on delly's in here with the baby"
"Hey" delly whispered with phoebe asleep in her arms
Peeta creeped over to delly peeping Into her arms "she's so tiny" a smile widened across his face
"Here" delly warmly smiled passing phoebe over to peeta.
He looked over to delly pulling a face that I read as "are you sure?"
"You're her godfather course you can hold her" delly laughed
She passed phoebe over to peeta and Luca ran over to have a peep
"Why she so small?" Even though he was quite smart for his age he still couldn't say full sentences that well.
"You were that small once" I told him
"Really?" He asked shocked
"Really." I repeated
"Ohhh" he wasn't too convinced
Luca soon lost interest an ran to play with the toys he had at delly's
"Have you saw Johanna today?" I asked delly
"Nope, but she did text me this morning saying she will come an see phoebe later or tomorrow because she has some errands to run or something" delly shrugged
"I don't understand why she's so busy lately" I replied confused
"It is abit weird"
I quickly changed the subject "so what's it like being. A mum?" I asked
While peeta wasn't in the room.
"You know I didn't think I could ever love something as much as I love her" she told me smiling down at the baby
"Really?" I was actually really shocked because her love for thom is so strong
"Yeah it's such a weird feeling I can't explain it"
I felt an unsettling At the bottom of my stomach wondering if I actually would ever know that feeling.

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