Learning to live: after party

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"Well tonight was a little, erm crazy" peeta laughed slumping himself on the sofa.
"Yep" I agreed thinking back to the nights events.
"I mean Johanna getting absolutely drunk and dancing on our dining room table"
"ThAt really wasn't the worse part of tonight peeta"
"No maybe it was when Effie joined her up there and ended up falling off the table" he laughed again
"And then just jumping back up to carry on dancing, she's really going to feel that in the morning"
"Definitely" he replied. "I can't believe you didn't drink this year normally you get drunk to the point where you crawled up the stairs"
"I know I think because I've been sick that many times today the thought of alcohol turned my stomach"
"Wow you really must be ill" he mocked
"Hey" I punched him in the arm.
"I'm joking im joking"
Peeta was about to say something but the door bell rang.
"Who could that be at 2 in the morning" he said standing up
"You never know with our group of friends" I joked
"Oh hey haymitch"
Haymitch didn't sAy anything he just walked through door.
"Oh hi peeta how are you" peeta sarcastically said rolling his eyes.
"Katniss can I speak to you?" He asked.
"Yeah" I stayed sat down.
"In private" he urged
"It's okay I'm going upstairs anyway" peeta rolled his eyes.
Haymitch has never been one for privacy so I thought it must be something serious.
"Effie has sent me over for some lady things" he finally let out.
"Lady things?" I asked confused.
"You know what women use when it's their time of the month" he looked all hot and bothered
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah one second I can't remember when i last bought a pack" I laughed.
Then it hit me when did I last buy a pack of pads, way before Halloween.
"I'll erm be back in a sec" I told haymitch running up the stairs looking for any I had spare.
I rummaged through my make up draw looking for any I had spare and I only had two.
I jogged back down the stairs.
"Hey these are the only ones I have spare but they will tie her over until she can buy some in the morning" I said handing haymitch them both.
"Thank you" he nodded walking to the front door.
After haymitch left peeta came back down.
"What did haymitch want that was so private?"
"He erm wanted some pads for Effie"
"God I've not done that run in a while" he laughed
I didn't really know what to say so I just smiled.
"I think I'm going to go bed"
"You sure you're alright katniss?" He asked me.
"Yeah. Fine" I reassuringly smiled
I trudged up the stairs wanting to just fall in bed.
I was too tired to even throw a pair of jamas on.
I crawled into bed pulling the sheet right up to my chin feeling colder than ever.
I don't know why but I had the feeling is have no nightmares tonight, or even dreams just a blank sleep.
After about half an hour I still wasn't asleep but couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. I felt peeta climb into bed a few seconds later.
The warmth of his body wrapping around mine.
No matter what weather he slept with out a Tshirt on. He told me that he did this to feel
Closer to me, I told him I thought it'd because he's too lazy to change.
I thought back to the conversation I had with haymitch. Wondering why I hadn't had a period or why I hadn't noticed.
Stress I guessed.
Then I thought back to delly her missed period ️an then she had sickness. But surely I couldn't be pregnant we'd always been so careful.
But then again nothing is 100%
I had that weird feeling in my stomach. I had no clue if it was a good or bad thing. If I was pregnant surely it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. Or would it?
I doubted Id be having any sleep that night with something that big on my mind. I wondered whether to wake peeta and tell him but then would that give him false hope? Get him excited for something that may or may not be happening.
He must have fallen asleep in the time I was overthinking the whole situation. I'm either pregnant or im not. That's it. After I said that i think it put my mind to rest that there was nothing I could do about either situation ️an somehow I fell asleep.

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