Learning to live: how to throw a hen party

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"Well if it isn't the face of the rebellion, how are you katniss?" President paylor joined us in the bar we were drinking in.

"President paylor I can't believe you came" I was actually shocked to see her.

"Well obviously I came! An it's paylor!" She laughed hugging me.

"Now that everyone's here lets get down to business! Johanna clapped her hands together in excitement.

Melissa passed around shots, her an Johanna were a like in a lot of ways, strong minded, independent alcoholics.

We're gonna get hammmereddd" Melissa sang knocking back her shot.

"I'll drink to that" delly knocked hers back.

"Who'd of thought it! Delly Cartwright getting drunk in a bar" I laughed.

"Who'd of thought katniss everdeen getting married" daisy said knocking her shot back.

Johanna was on her third shot,

"You know when I first saw you guys kissing in the arena?" She asked.

"In which games?" I asked her back taking my shot an refilling my glass.

"Quarter quell, I think I knew it was real, I was watching what you both were saying, obviously the whole of panem were too. I mean I shouldn't of earwigged that moment, but I did, I heard peeta basically telling you that if you died his life wouldn't be worth living". She pause taking another shot, I looked around seeing a few heads nodding at what Johanna was saying. "Then I saw your expression, like you'd been punched in the gut. An I heard what you said, I remember it word for word". She swallowed hard before continuing. "You said 'I do I need you' and you kissed him, i knew it must of been your first real kiss by the way you looked at him. And I knew the plan all along you know, escaping the arena an all that an i said to myself 'Johanna you gotta help the love birds out' i made a promise with myself I would save you both". By this point I knew she was drunk. "Then when we both got captured, me an peeta, we would talk an talk for hours, before his hijacking". She refilled mine an her glass, an I really needed it if we were reliving old memories, I could tell the whole room was watching waiting for what she would say next. "He told me he always loved you, I mean we all knew that he told the whole of panem!, but I mean really loved you, he told me he was willing to kill himself for you, an that's what hurt me you know, seeing someone willing to suffer for another person". She paused for a moment maybe reliving the memory. "An that's when i decided what real love was, I mean 22years old an learning off a 17 year old what love is". She laughed. "Now that's sad. But I'm glad for everything that happened, okay maybe not everything but sharing a cell with peeta really did teach me a lot" she nodded handing me more drink, an I knocked it back with out a second thought.

"Oh Johanna that's such a touching story" a tipsy Effie choked.

"To peeta an moody Arse katniss" Johanna raised her glass, dropping the innocent routine an returning her sarcastic tone.

Everybody clinked their glasses.

"Annie what time is it?" Johanna slurred completely drunk, I could feel the Symptoms of being drunk but I wasn't fully there yet.

Annie was even worse than Johanna. "I don't know I can't read my watch properly" she giggled.

"10pm, ish" Tammie shouted over the music, alcohol made everyone come out of their shell.

"Should be here any minute" Annie an Johanna exchanged mischievous glances.

"What are you doing now?" I asked them taking another shot.

Then the music cut out an the lights went off, I could hear a few of the girls giggling. Somebody had plonked their selfs on my lap, thinking it was Johanna I went to push her off by her back, but instead of feeling a womanly figure I felt ripped muscles. The lights switched back on the music pounded again, a muscly very, very handsome man stood in front of me wearing a suit. "Are you the bride?" He asked me.

"Yep" I laughed. I could hear the girls cheering behind me.

The handsome man ripped his pants off dancing around me, grinding his naked most definitely gorgeous body down me.

"Oh my god" I mouthed excitedly to Johanna.

"Hope you return the favour when I get married" she shouted back holding her thumbs up.

An I knew tonight would be one hell of a fun night if Johanna had anything to do with it.

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