Christmas eve eve

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You scared the crap of us" I didn't want that sentence to be the first thing I said to peeta It just blurted out of me.
Peeta's smile Beamed "sorry" he laughed throwing his hands up. "It's not my fault"
I rolled my eyes smiling back. "I know" I made my way to his bed. I leaned down to kiss him. "I've also missed that" I said while his lips grazed mine.
"How long was I out for?" He asked.
"Over a week"
"So i haven't missed Christmas?"
"No you haven't missed Christmas" I laughed shaking my head.
"Well you know it's my favourite time of year"
"Yes well you won't be cooking this year that's for sure" I told him.
"Neither will you. I don't want to end up in hospital again thank you" he mocked.
I raised my eyebrows glaring at him.
"I'm joking I'm joking" he recovered grabbing my hand.
"Sooo what've I missed?"
I thought for a second wondering wether now was the right time to tell him about the baby.
I chickened out at the last minute.
"Nothing much Luca has begged to see you everyday"
He smiled even more "yeah I briefly saw him before I told him you would come get him"
"Weird how much he loves you" I joked.
"Why am I that unlovable?"
"Yeah you have really missed me Kat"
"Yeah liked it better when I didn't know if you were going to wake up"
"Katniss!!" A voice angered behind me.
"Johanna" I rolled my eyes.
She Dismissed me and made her way to peeta "how you feeling darling?"
"Like I did back in district 13"
"Yeah that's rough, could be worse could be like you did in our Capitol cell. Now that is what I call a killer"
Peeta's nurse stood awkwardly in the door way not knowing what to do. Warmly i smiled hoping to make her feel less intimidated.
"Ignore them they try to be funny but honestly it's just palmful to hear"
She weakly smiled obviously feeling sorry for me. In reality johanna and peeta's banter didn't affect me at all it's how everyone deals with that period of our lives in our group.
"So peeta your stats are good your vitals are better than okay if you stay stable and alert through the night, you will be discharged tomorrow morning. Just in time for Christmas"
"Yeah about that what we gonna do for food?"
"Shock gale thinking about food" peeta said looking at gale in the door of his room.
They attempted a man hug but peeta couldn't do it properly not wanting to rip his stitches.
"Ahhh bromance at its finest" mockingly johanna piped
"Even on my death bed you have to make mick taking remarks" Peeta said to johanna
"Calm down you're abit over dramatic you're not on you're death bed" johanna stated.
"I could've been"
"Peeta" a soft voice exclaimed.
"Uncle peeta" a even softer voice followed.
"How you? Are you in pain? Can I get you anything?" Typical Annie worrying and being so kind. Where as all of us are mostly in cable of being affectionate all the time unlike Annie. Never have I ever heard her say a mean word, joking or not, about anyone in our dysfunctional family.
"I'm fine Annie. Thank you" he smiled.
"Oh yeah be nice to her" Johanna moaned.
"Jesus it's like a family reunion in here"
Everyone turned around to see haymitch stood in the door now.
"How are you bud?" He asked peeta.
"Surprisingly good" he replied.
"Where's Effie?" I wondered.
"With delly and that slutty one Melissa and also Pollux's girlfriend I think" he shrugged.
"Doing what?" Annie asked.
"Festive things" he replied.
"What kind of festive things?"
"Well it's Christmas" he pulled his face.
"Whatever anyway I'm off for some sleep. Peaceful sleep knowing you're not about to you know die" Johanna said to peeta. "See you later" she hugged him before she left.
Her and gale exchanged eye contact thinking nobody would see. I saw and in sure peeta and Annie clicked on. It wasn't a surprise gale and Annie had found their way back to each other.
"Yeah I only stopped by to make sure you were still alive and kicking" gale joked making that his goodbye.
Haymitch walked out after him not uttering a word. That was not surprising haymitch was still haymitch.
That left me, thom, Annie and Luca as visitors.
"Why didn't you tell anyone you was having heart pain?" Thom randomly asked.
I felt awful that I hadn't thought of that. If didn't even cross my mind.
"I've always had it it signifies a flash back. So when i blacked out I thought I was just having another flashback"
"You've never told me that peeta" I said to him.
"It's never been a problem" he sighed.
Before anyone else could speak Thom's phone buzzed.
"Got to go guess I'm on errand duty, I'll
See you guys tomorrow" thom grabbed his jacket and stood up to leave.
"I think me and Luca need to go soon too he's hardly had any sleep" Annie told Us.
"Nooooo I've missed uncle peeta" Luca whined snuggling up to peeta.
"Luca Father Christmas is watching remember just because he's coming tomorrow night doesn't mean you still can't be put on the naughty list" Annie said to Luca.
He pouted but agreed clinging on tightly to peeta's neck before letting go.
"Bye uncle peeta bye auntie Kat Kat" his little legs jumped off the bed following his mum.
"I'll probably see you guys tonight love you both" Annie smiled.
"Love you too" me and peeta said at the exact same time.
After Annie left and it was just me and peeta I realised i had to tell him about the baby before someone else did.
"So I have something to tell you" I blurted out.
"You're cheating on me?" He joked.
"I'm being serious" I sighed.
He looked at me worryingly.
I took a deep breath.
"We're having a baby"
He crossed his eyebrows.
"Are you serious?"
I nodded half smiling.
"Oh my god" his face broke out into the biggest smiled I had ever seen.
"We're having a baby" he repeated.
"Yeah" I laughed.
"Best Christmas present ever" he said like a little kid.
"Thank you"
I looked at him puzzled.
"I once told you only you could give me this gift and you have. I love you"
"I love you" I told him.

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