Learning to live: wedding suite

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After the speeches everyone started drinking. Like usual. Johanna was absolutely drunk after an hour she could barely walk, Annie was emotional an everyone else just wanted to dance. I couldn't care less about dancing an drinking, okay I wanted to drink but I just wanted to go up to bed with peeta. Finally at about 3am everybody seemed to want to call it a night me more than anybody.

Peeta pushed me against the wall of our penthouse suite passionately kissing my lips an neck. I ripped his tie off unbuttoning his shirt as fast as my hands would let me. My dress was the hardest to get off the buttons down the back taking too long. I didn't want peeta to rip my dress so I abandoned kissing him to take it off myself. Peeta stood bare chested, muscles as big as they were nearly 4 years ago when we were 16. We both stood staring at each other smiling. "I've been waiting so long for this" peeta smiled.

"Peeta we had sex last week" I laughed

"Not sex you idiot, this. Us" he said closing the gap between us. "But sex is also a bonus" I could feel peeta smiling behind his kiss.

"Pig" I laughed.

"Hmm you love it"

"God I hate you" I joked

"You love me"

"Hate you" I smiled

"Love me"

"Hate-" peeta cut me off forcefully pinning me to the floor.

"Love me" and he finally kissed me pulling himself on top of me.

Peeta was amazing, is amazing at sex, both of us having great stamina which creates a lot of fun. For once neither of us had to care about how loud we were, nobody being able to hear us.

We both lay on the out of breath, my heart pounding inside my chest.

"That's the most fun I've had in ages" peeta Laughed.

I laughed back.

I turned to look at what time it was 6am, Effie would be up at 9 to drag us to breakfast. Dealing with so many hungover people did not appeal to me but Effie seemed to love it.

"Good night mrs mellark" peeta turned to face me.

"Ummm night mr mellark" I planting a kiss on his lips. Knowing for the first time in a long time I would have a sleep that didn't include gut wrenching. Tiresome. Nightmares.

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