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Aaron's POV:

Aurelia. Such a miserable name. Looking at her makes my days so much better, no. Fuck. She makes my days worse. I hate her Victoria's Secret perfume. I hate her coconut fragrance soaps. I hate her coconut fragrance shampoos. I hate her shit brown eyes. I hate her hair and the way they so perfectly touch her ass. I wish I was her hair right now. No. No, I don't. What the fuck is wrong with me?

She hates me to the core. It's obvious but it gives me her attention. I crave her attention when I wake up in the morning. She annoys me to the ends of the earth but I can't help but want her. Oh, how badly I want her. She sat next to me noting shit down. I don't know how she writes so much. It's annoying, the pen scratching against the paper, I took it away from her just to watch her get mad at me. At least she would give me her attention for a few seconds even if it was because I was being an annoying dick. I smiled as she took out another pen and took that too, putting it in my pocket. Her hands reached into my pocket, so close to my dick. She fumbled around and took both of them back, grumbling something at me.

"What did you say, my love?"
"I said I fucking hate you and I hope you get hit by a truck."
"Aw, did I bother you? I'm so sorry." I said in a mock apology.

She rolled her beautiful brown eyes and turned away from me, writing furiously. I just sat there and watched her, not giving a single fuck about what the professor was rambling on about. Whose hoodie is that? It barely fits her. It better not be that miserable cheating ex's hoodie. I think his name was Lars or some loser name like that. I don't know. Why's she still wearing it? Are they back together? The things I would do to have her wear my jersey...

I didn't even want to come here so early in the morning. It's way too early to have a class but I needed to spend more time with her. I can't keep stalking her.

"Stop looking at me. You look like a lost pig."
"I can't help it. You look so much like a big brown bear with those greasy hair of yours, I can't help but stare. It's unusual. Did you even shower today?"
"Why? Do you wanna watch?"
"I wouldn't complain."

She continued with her scribbling. What does she even write? Is she writing down every word that the professor says? I think his name is Gary. Not sure, though. I forgot.

I heard the bell ring and she got up and walked out. I stood there just watching her go down the stairs, her soft wavy hair moving and caressing her ass.

She doesn't have any classes now. She's probably headed back to her dorm room. It's lucky for me that she chose one of the single rooms. It's easier to sneak in that way. I don't have to memorize two different schedules.

I know that even if she ever had any feelings for me, they would be crushed by all the rumors that float around about me. I slept with half the freshman year already and slept with a professor (apparantly). Even though the only person I've ever wanted to sleep with is her, these stupid rumors go around ruining all my chances. She's not stupid enough to believe those rumors but she's pretty stupid when it comes to socializing i wouldn't blame her if she did believe them.

"Hawthorne, get out." I heard Gary say.

Right. I've been in here for the last five minutes just fantasizing about her. Our next class together is in one hour so I'm probably just going to take a nap in the library. I would go to my dorm but it's more peaceful in the library even with all the noise.

I'm supposed to be the future King of the Netherlands. It's so strange how the whole country is wishing for my father to die so I can become King. No one in the country knows what I look like. No one here knows that I'm a Prince. My parents wanted me to lead a normal life, at least until I went back home. I spent more than half my life in a boarding school in London, which is why I have a British accent.


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