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Aaron's POV:

The new term starts today. Aurelia has been stressing out as usual.
"What if I don't do good, though?" She asked, frowning as we walked to our class.
I laughed, "Aurelia, you are the most intelligent person I've ever met. Look at you. What makes you think you won't do good? "
" I don't know. I mean, what if it's too hard again or I get stressed out? "

" The only reason you are stressing is because you're unaware of what this year could be like. You have me with you no matter what. " I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. "My love, you won't get stressed out because I won't let you. Let me help you and I promise I will make sure nothing goes wrong. We can study together too. That's a huge plus, isn't it? "
" Mhm. " She said, leaning her head on my shoulder.
I kissed her forehead again.

Our classes went pretty smoothly. Aurelia took a billion notes as always.
"That wasn't so bad." She said softly while we walked back home.
"I told you, love."

Once we reached home, I got a call from my mother. Aurelia was in the bedroom and I was making us some dinner.
"Hey, mom."
"Aaron. Sweetie. How are you?"
" I'm good. Is everything okay? "
She never called me sweetie unless something was wrong.
" No, no. Listen, are you still with Aurelia? "
" What do you mean still? You know we live together, Mom. We spoke last week. "
" I know... Me and your father need you to come back home, Aaron. "
" The third year just started. I can't just up and leave all of a sudden. "
" We'll talk to your dean. Aaron... You are going to be king after you graduate. You need training. "
" I just had summer break. Mom, is everything okay? "
She sighed. " Aaron you need to get married before you become King. "
" Yeah. I'm aware. I have a girlfriend. "
" That's not going to work out, Aaron. This is merely young love. "
" You and Dad got married young. "
" I am aware. But, Aurelia wants a career. Something she can't have once she's Queen. I would prefer if you choose a woman who is already a royal. It was a huge scandal when me and your father got married. The country does not need another one. If everyone just does what they want then what is the point of traditions? "

" Maybe it's time we find new traditions. I love her. If you want me to break up with her to avoid a scandal then I'm sorry but I won't. "
" We need you home for a month. "
I sighed. " Mom... "
" Look, Aaron. I know this is bad timing but we have a lot of things to talk about. You know almost nothing about royal procedures. Before this, you were at boarding school and we barely saw you-"

" Whose fault is that, Mom? It's not like I chose to stay away from you guys. You chose to put me in a place far away from you. "
" Aaron, sweetheart, please. Just come home. Without Aurelia. "
" Without? I can't just leave for a month. "
" Like I said, we will talk to your Dean. "
" Whatever. I need to talk to my girlfriend before I make any decisions. "
" Just try to understand that we need you here. "

She said and hung up.
I ran my hands through my hair. What the fuck do they want right now?
I continued cutting the vegetables for the pasta I was making. I felt Aurelia wrap her arms around me and I leaned against her, letting her embrace me for a few moments.
"What's wrong, baby?" She asked softly, running her hands across my chest.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around her,
"I need to go home. For a month."
She furrowed her eyebrows.
"My parents want me there. They need to train me to become King."
" Oh. "
" I'm sorry, love but they're not listening to me. I don't know why they're calling me just after the break but I have to go. "
" No, I get it. "
" You're okay with me going? "
" Of course. This is important, Aaron. You can't just skip going to your home. "
" I don't want to go. "
" You have to. "
I sighed as I rested my head on hers.

I left the next day.
I didn't know what they wanted still. They refused to tell me anything.

"Aaron, honey. I've missed you so much!" My mom said once I entered the palace.
She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back.
"Come, let's go to your father. He's in his study right now but I'm sure he can make time for us."

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