Bonus Scene

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I kissed my wife as we sat by the pool. Her brown eyes shone under the sun and I thanked whichever God made it possible for me to be fortunate enough to be her husband.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?"
"Once or twice, maybe." She said. Her voice is as beautiful as ever. Although she has a slight British accent for which I am to blame.
Our kids screamed as they played together near the pool.
"Let me tell you then."
"I love you." I kissed her cheek. I kissed her neck. I kissed her lips, her temple, her chin. And I whispered, "I love you." Before each kiss.

"Finally some time with my beautiful wife," I said softly as I buried my head into her neck.
"Dad!" I heard our daughter scream.
"Spoke too soon. Nevermind."
I turned to Mia, our 5-year-old daughter.
"Yes, darling?"
"I almost drowned."
"What do you mean? We were right here."
"I could have drowned and you weren't paying attention to me. You always pay attention to mummy. Or Theo. Never me. What if you look for me and I'm just gone? What if I died? "

I got on my knees in front of her and held her hands in mine.

" Darling, I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention. I promise I will try to pay more attention to you from now on, alright? It's my first time living too, you know? I'm learning just like you are. I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you. But, I love you and I will definitely try to fix it, alright? "
" Okay. "
" Can I get a hug? "
She nodded and I pulled her in. She laughed as I tickled her.
"Come swim with me. Mom! Come swim with us."
" Shh. Would you like me to throw her into the pool? "
" Yesss. " She whisper yelled.
" Perfect. "
I picked Mia up and sat her down by the pool before picking up my beautiful wife and walking towards the water. I dumped her in and she coughed out some of the water before pulling me into it.
I kissed her when I came up and she smiled before kissing me back.
I groaned when our 7-year-old son, Theodore, yelled.

"Gotta go." She said softly and moved towards him.
"I'm starting to get jealous of that little man." I grumbled to myself.
"Don't worry, Dad. You'll always have me." Mia said softly as she swam up next to me.

"I know, princess." I picked her up in my arms and moved towards Theo and Aurelia.
"Hello, love," I said to her.
"Hi, baby." She said, smiling.
I put Mia into the water again.
"Let's play chicken fight!" She yelled.
"Oh, it's on," Aurelia said, glaring at us.
"All right, my love."

Sometimes I push her buttons intentionally because I know that in the end, I get to apologize in between her legs.

It had been almost 10 years since our marriage but we've never been happier than we are right now. Every day with her gets better. Every day I fall more and more in love with her. She's given me the two most amazing kids anyone could ask for and a life I had only dreamed of before I met her. It's always going to be her. No matter what. I used to think that maybe I wouldn't get to be married to the person I love if I continued being prince but she's given me all that and so much more.

Archer and Blair had gotten married 9 years ago and shared twin boys. I'd never seen Archer as emotional as he was during the birth of his babies. But when Blair passed away nearly 6 years ago, he cried. He cried like no one else ever had. Aurelia found out and she cried almost as much as he did. Everything was broken. Archer needed support more than anything. He moved in with us at the palace with his sons and he's stayed with us since.

"Hi, guys." He said, walking in wearing only his swimming shorts.
"Archer! Join us. Where are the boys?"
"They're right here."

August came running in, his brother, Rowan  quickly catching up to him. They both jumped into the pool, splashing all of us in the process. We all laughed and started splashing water on Archer. He jumped into the pool too and we all played together and enjoyed, never forgetting the hole that was left in our lives since Blair passed away.

Nate had passed away. We'd gotten quite close after graduation. We would text often although we'd only met once in Rome during a vacation. He was with his girlfriend, Lily. When we heard about his death, we didn't know how to react. We had no idea he had been struggling with so many things. Looking back, I truly wish we could have done something to help him. We are still quite close to Lily, even though she distanced herself from almost everyone after his death. Everything was so temporary.

"I love you," Aurelia said as we stood together, watching our kids play together.
"I love you too, Lia. I always will."


A/N- Thank you so much for all the love on this book. If you liked it, you can check out my other books as well ❤️

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