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Aaron's POV:

As I walked back to my dorm, I saw Archer standing in front of my door, his arms crossed and a furious look on his face.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Open the door. I'll talk to you inside."
This is so confusing. I opened the door and he pushed me inside, closing it behind him.
"What the fuck did you say to Aurelia, man?"
" You asked me to stop talking to her. "
" You didn't have to fucking bring up her past and call her a whore. " He was yelling now.
" I saw no other way to make her stop talking to me. "
" I can't ignore her, Archer. Please. I love her. " My voice broke. The entire way here all I could think about was her and what I said to her.
" You need to apologise to her. "
" If I go back to her, I won't ever be able to let go of her. "
" Aaron... You've ruined everything with her. Do you realise that? "
" At least she can't hurt me anymore. "
" Why did you call her unlovable? "
" I hate her, Archer. "
" No you fucking don't. You got in this mess because of you being irrevocably in love with her. Aaron, she's in love with Nate and you need to accept that. Without hurting her, without calling her names, without making her feel like she's unloved. Look at yourself, man. Where the fuck is the guy that would make paper flowers for her because she didn't talk to you? Where's the guy that made copies of her keys because you wanted to know more about her? Why couldn't you confess your feelings when she was single? She gets with Nate and all of a sudden you wanna be with her. You wanna love her. You wanna be her favourite. But, Aaron, love does not work like that. You can't just shut it off and go back when it's convenient for you."

" How did you do it with Blair? "

He smiled softly, " It was easy with Blair. I knew I loved her the moment I saw her. I asked her out the day we met, which I know is a crazy move but she said yes. I spilled cranberry juice all over her dress because of how flustered I was. But somehow she said yes to every date after that. There have been fights because we slowly find out the worst about each other but, you and Aurelia? You already know the worst. You have the best chances of being so happy together. But you're late, Aaron. She already has that with someone else. And you made it worse. You made her feel like shit and you made her overthink and cry because of what you said. "

Tears fell from my eyes because of what he said. I never thought she'd cry over this. She's so strong. So perfect. Intelligent.

"I love her, Archer. I love her so much. I'm scared one day it'll kill me. It'll kill me knowing I can't have her. "

He just looked at me before wrapping his arms around me. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there, my arms hanging limply at my side as I sobbed into his shoulder. This was the first time I have cried so much for her. This was the first time I'd cried in front of someone else.

"Help me."
"I'll try. I promise I'll try."

The next few days, Aurelia and I ignored each other. She did her notes, talked to Nate, ate with him, kissed him, did everything with him while I just watched from afar.
One night, as I sat outside her dorm, watching what she does, she walked out, her hair flowy and soft as always. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the nearest corridor.

"What the fuck, Hawthorne?"

I missed hearing her say my name and Her feisty little voice. Perfect.

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

I waved at her this morning but she didn't even spare me a second glance.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Oh. I'm so sorry for thinking that we had an actual bond before you went and ruined it by calling me a whore and saying I'm unlovable."

" You know I didn't mean that. "

I was so close to her now, i could almost hear her heartbeat. Her rapid breaths and the rising and falling of her chest. I could feel her pulse from where I held her hand.

" Didn't you? After what I told you about my mother. "
"I didn't mean that."
"Let me go." She said, furious.
" Talk to me. "
" No. " She yelled. " You don't get to just say all that shit and expect me to forgive you. "

Her jaw was clenched.

" I'm sorry. "
" Let go of me. "

She tried ripping her hand away from me but I just held her tighter.
"You don't own me, Hawthorne."
"I bet you wish I did, my love."
She hit my chest with her other hand, struggling to get away from me.

"What do you like about him?" I asked.
"Nate. Your fucking boyfriend."
"He's nice. Unlike you. And he is not my fucking BOYFRIEND. Let me go, Hawthorne."
"I could be nice to you, my love. I could be so fucking nice to you."
"I love him."

I could physically feel my heart break.

"You love him but he's not your boyfriend? Wow. That's just couple goals honestly. Props to you for keeping romance alive."
" Just shut up, Hawthorne."

Leaning closer to her, I slowly whispered in her ear.

"Can you honestly tell me you don't want me?"
" I- I don't. "
" You're so beautiful, my love. Even when you fucking lie to me. "
"I'm not lying."
"Tell me the fucking truth then, Gray."

She looked at my lips and in my small moment of distraction, she ripped her arm away from me and started walking away. Great.
Fuck this shit.


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