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Aurelia's POV:

"You ready to watch yourself get thoroughly fucked, my love ?"
Those words made me wetter than I could ever imagine.
"Yes. Please fuck me."
"You look so beautiful when you beg like this. Tell me no one else gets to have you like this. See you like this. Fuck you like this. My love, please. Promise me you're all mine to ruin. Mine to fuck, kiss, sleep with. Because I'm all yours, my love. All of me is yours. "
" Yes. "
" Say it. "
He was teasing me ruthlessly and I was struggling to catch my breath.
" I'm all yours, Aaron. I don't ever want anyone else. No one else can make me feel like you do."
" Good girl. " With that, he slammed into me and I screamed, my back arching off the bed.
" Look at yourself, my love. " He said, turning my head so I was looking into the mirror next to the bed. I could see his body flexing to hold him up.

My legs wrapped around his waist. His biceps next to my head as he leaned down to whisper,
"This beautiful body is what I get to see every time I fuck you. Can you even imagine how lucky I am? You deserve to be worshipped, my love. In a religion that only I am privy to."
" Aaron. " I pleaded, desperately looking at him in the mirror.

He smiled, looking into my eyes in the mirror. He started moving in and out of me, pulling out completely before slamming back in.

"Look at you, my love." He moaned out.

His hand slid into mine and he caressed my palm softly before interlocking his fingers with mine and starting to move faster. I held onto his hand, my nails digging into his skin as my other hand went to his back and left scratches there. My moans were loud and deep and so were his. I love the way he moans, it shows me just how good I make him feel and I can't believe it. I can't believe I get to make him feel this good.
He whimpered when I clenched around him, the pleasure getting too much for me to handle.
His hand and back were bleeding because of my nails. His other hand went to my neck and held it there, squeezing it hard.
"You feel so good." I moaned out, holding onto him tighter as his thrusts sped up even more.
He smiled softly, laying a kiss on my forehead.
He sat back on his knees and put a pillow below my back.

"Look up, my love."
I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling and moaned at the sight in front of my eyes. He positioned himself so his cock was right in front of my entrance and thrust into me again, hitting me at a much deeper angle.
"Oh my God, Aaron." I moaned.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head with pleasure, my moans drowning out the sound of skin hitting skin.
"Oh God, Lia. I could do this all night. And definitely all day." He moaned.
And that's exactly what he did. We spent the rest of the night and the next day in bed, taking breaks only to eat or go to the bathroom.


"I love you." He said once we finally realized that if we continued, we'd probably be unable to walk for the next week.
"I love you too, baby."
I was so sore, I could barely feel my legs.


A call from my mother a month after the divorce was finalized really shook me to my core.
"Aurelia." She said. Her voice was cold as always.
" Hi, mom. It's a pleasure to hear from you again. " I didn't bother hiding my displeasure.
" I'm just calling you to inform you that the divorce has been finalized. "
" Great. Is that all? "
" Do you have no shame? "
" Shame for what? "
" You are the reason your parents are separated. This is your fault and it's time you understand that."
"You called me to put the blame on someone else just like you always do?"
"Don't you dare start this again, Aurelia. If you weren't such a whore, things would be better. You go to sleep with a new man every couple of months, you have no idea what true love means. And just so you know, true love was what me and your father had. How pathetic can you get, Aurelia? Running to your boyfriend to go fix your issues and bitch about me to my husband? "
" You can't do this to me. "
" You ruined my happiness. "
" AND YOU RUINED MY CHILDHOOD. " I was screaming right now but I didn't care.
Aaron wasn't here since he'd gone out to get some groceries. It's been about six months since we started dating.
" How? You remember it wrong, Aurelia. You would be a fat ugly whore if it wasn't for what I did."
"At least I would have been happy. I was dying, mom. And you didn't care. I was trying to kill myself every night because of what you said to me. You didn't care. All you cared about was me possibly getting fat. I never wanted to be a model like you. I never wanted to be anything like you. "

" I hope you have a daughter like yourself, Aurelia. Maybe then you'll see what I had to suffer with for the last 22 years. You ruined my life. I wish you were never born. "

" You make me want to kill myself before ever becoming a mother. I am so glad Dad divorced you, at least we know he'll be safe from all your negativity when he's older. "

She sighed and hung up without saying a word.

I just pulled the covers over myself and cried. I don't know why I still let it affect me like this. I hate her and Aaron asked me to never pick up her calls ever again. But, I thought she wanted to make amends, maybe we could go out for lunch and talk about things like normal people do.
"I'm home, my love." I heard Aaron's voice from the door.

I wiped my tears and tried to make it look like I hadn't just been sobbing but he noticed as soon as he came into the room. His phone dropped from his hand as he came over and sat next to me, immediately pulling me into his arms.
"What happened, my love?" His hands caressed my hair softly.
"She called again."
"What did she say?"
"The same shit." I could barely speak through my sobs.
" I fucking hate her. Aurelia. She can't say shit like that and then get away with a simple sorry. "
" Oh, please. Like you're any better. "
His movements stiffened, " What do you mean?"
" All that shit you said in New York? And then back in your dorm? Just because it happened a while ago doesn't mean it stopped bothering me, Aaron."
" You told me you forgive me for that. "
" I did. It still hurts. "
"I'm sorry, love. "
" Can you just leave me alone for a while? " My voice was barely recognizable due to its coldness.
" Do you truly want that? "
" I want you to leave me alone for a while, Aaron. Please. "
" Aurelia... "
" Please leave. " My voice was louder now.
I pulled away from him and leaned against the headboard.
I could see tears in his eyes and he nodded and pursed his lips before leaving. I could tell he was hurt but I really just needed space right now. I know he would help but I just can't.

I broke down crying as I thought about all the times my mother had told me I was a terrible daughter. All the times she'd told me I would suffer if I ever became a mother. As a child, all I wanted was to be better than her. I was so excited to have a daughter one day. Raise her to be better than anyone else. But now all I feel is fear. Fear that I'll end up exactly how she expects me to be. Fear that I'll end up miserable and alone just like she is. I spent an hour inside the room, cursing her and myself.

I walked out to the living room to the smell of freshly baked cookies. Aaron hadn't heard me come out so I wrapped my arms around him. He laughed softly and turned around, hugging me tightly.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking up at him. He wiped the tears in my face and smiled comfortingly.
"I know you had a bad day so I made you cookies."
" Thank you. " I rested my head against his chest and smiled at his steady heartbeat.
" How do you feel, my love? "
" Better. I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"You have all the right to yell at me. I was wrong to tell you all that stuff. I never realized that it still hurts you. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life working hard to make sure you never feel that way again, my love."
" It's not your fault. "
" It is. What did she say this time? "
" Do you ever wonder if you'd be a good parent? "
" I do. I'm terrified. "
" Why? "
" What if I suck at it? What if they make bad decisions and I'm not there to navigate them through it? What if they hate me for that? There are so many uncertainties when it comes to having a kid. It scares me. "
" Same. "
" Is that what you're worried about? That you won't be a good mother?"
" I'm terrified of it, Aaron. "
" I know, my love. That's why you have me. I'll always be here. Supporting you and loving you no matter what. "
" What if I end up being like my mother? "
" The fact that you're worried about being like her is proof enough that you will never end up like her. You are the easiest person to love. I mean, look at me. I was supposed to hate you but I fell so hard I don't think I can ever get back up again. "
" I love you so much. I'm really sorry I yelled at you."
" I love you too, Lia. You can yell at me any time. " His comforting caress on my hair made me feel at peace and I realized he will always be my home. He will always be my peace.
"I'm sorry. I know nothing will ever make up for what I said that day. But, I never meant it. "
"I know you didn't. It's okay."

We ate the chocolate chip cookies which were absolutely amazing. I never knew he would be such a good cook but I like surprises now.


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