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Aaron's POV

Not her boyfriend? Bullshit. It may not be official or whatever but he is her fucking boyfriend. If I were kissing her and hugging her all the time, she would be my fucking girlfriend. He doesn't deserve her. He never will. No matter what he does.
They've been together for two months now. We've got our mid term exams in a week. I have been preparing like a fucking maniac for it. I need to win this. I need her. I think we'll get our results in three weeks or something. I don't really know. I've never really cared about my results before. We've barely spoken this past month. If she's not in class, she's busy snogging Nate in the library. I hope she's not been studying. I know how much of a competitive idiot she can be most of the time.

I walked into the English class that me, Aurelia, and that little fucker share. There she was again, sitting with him, looking at him as though he was the only thing in the entire world. The things I would do to have her look at me that way. I could have any other girl if I wanted but for some reason, I wanted the one girl that hates me. I can't bear to fucking watch them anymore. It's probably evil but I wanted him to hurt her so I could heal her, make her feel good for once in her life. She looked so beautiful today. She was wearing a cute little green dress with a cardigan. I think I might have slept in the wrong position or something last night, looking at them pissed me off more than usual.
As I walked out of the evening class I had, I ran into her.
"Shit, I'm so sorry."
"Fuck off," I said, not realizing it was her.
"Stop being such a jerk." She nearly yelled.
"Yeah? Why? You fucking deserve it."
"You've been acting like this ever since I started dating Nate. What the fuck is your problem?" She asked

"You wanna know what my fucking problem is, Aurelia? My problem is that you deserve better. My fucking problem is that you deserve someone who loves you like it's breathing.
Me and you together? We could be fucking unstoppable, Aurelia. We're the most intelligent people in the year. I could love you better than your stupid fucking boyfriend. I could treat you like the fucking princess you deserve to be. My problem is that you don't see it. You don't see how you affect me every single day. I know you want me."

His eyes filled with tears that weren't ready to fall.

"I don't think you know it yet." He continued. "I don't think you're ready to accept it. You're afraid that once you accept it, you'll feel something real. You're afraid of having a real relationship with someone who loves you, you just get with these idiots who know nothing but kindness. They have no real personality. Once they see that you're a real person, they leave. I know you, Aurelia."

He took a deep shaky breath.

" I know what shampoo you use. I know what flowers you like. I know that your rose pendant is the only thing you will never take off your body. I know about the birth control pills you hide on your nightstand. I know about those miserable books filled with porn that you tell yourself is just romance. I'm the only one who knows you... God, Y-you never saw it, Gray. You never fucking did. I tried to deny it for so long, I can't anymore. I think about you. Endlessly. You know what, you're never gonna fucking understand. I hope you have a long, healthy relationship with Nate. I hope he loves you the way you think you deserve."

My voice was low as I said this. She looked at me dumbstruck for a moment before clearing her throat.

"Nate does love me."
"Yeah? He does? Then go suck his tiny dick and stop pissing me off."

I walked away and went back to my dorm room and slept till I heard a loud knock on my door.
I opened it to find Nate standing there, looking furious.
"What did you say to her?"

"Nothing. Get out of here and stop trying to break my fucking door."

"She's crying because of something you said. I swear to God, Hawthorne if you have hurt her in any way..."

"You do not want to fucking fight me, Wolfe. Trust me. Get the fuck away from here and go back to your little girlfriend."

"You see, I can't go back to her. She just dumped me, saying she has to focus on her studies and that this is a bad time to be in a relationship."

"Good for you," I said and slammed the door closed.

I heard him storm off a couple of seconds later. She dumped him. Huh. Why? If she wants to focus on her studies, she always can. She didn't have to dump him. She never had a problem with managing her time effectively. That's one of the things I admire about her. I walked over to her dorm with a paper flower in my hand. I do not know exactly why I'm doing this right now, but I needed to talk to her. I needed to see her. I knocked on her door gently, unsure if she'd open it.
She opened the door, her eyes and nose red.

"What the fuck do you want, Hawthorne?"
"Can we talk? Please?" I asked. My heart breaking at the sight of her sadness. She nodded and opened the door wider and let me in.


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