Aurelia's POV:

He pisses me off so fucking much. We're paired together for some lousy stupid fucking project and he has been talking nonstop.

"Shut up." I said, unable to handle his constant bullshit.

"Make me."

I glared at him.

"I fucking hate you."


"Yes. Really."

"Lying doesn't suit you, my love."

"There are four things in the world I truly despise: You, you, you, and tomatoes."

" I'd rather be hated by you than loved by anyone else." He smiled.

" Whatever."

I could feel my cheeks were heated.

"You do remember our little bet, right?"

"Yes and since you're never gonna win, I'm never gonna have to sleep with you."

"Oh, I will win. Say goodbye to being first in the class and your virginity."

"Oh, please. You have been second in the class since last year. I have zero competition from you. I don't have any need to worry."

" Can we get back to doing this stupid project? You see, unlike you, I have a future in the real world. Studies don't help everywhere and since you have zero experience being in a room full of people, I'd suggest getting an actual life."

I didn't say anything, instead, I just looked at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, the sweet silence. How I love it." He said, leaning back on the chair and resting his head on his hands.

I smacked his head with a book and went back to doing research for the project. He laughed softly, his dimples showing. I'd never seen that. His dimples, they were... adorable.

He leaned in closer to me so his head was just next to mine to look at the laptop. His arms were touching mine and it sent chills down my spine. I could smell a subtle scent of vanilla. I couldn't smell the cigarettes on him though.

"Surprising you don't smell like an ashtray right now."

"I quit."

" What? Why?"

"You said you don't date smokers."

I looked at him, his eyes were on the laptop and his long fingers were scrolling down to read the article properly. I scoffed and went back to reading.

"Don't you ever wonder how sad it must be for everyone in our class that they'll never come first or second because of us?" He asked, leaning back on the chair and putting his hands behind his head again, looking at me.

"I don't really care. I don't know most of their names."

"Why do you enjoy pissing only me off?"

"Well, maybe I like pushing your buttons."

He leaned in close to me.

"You should try unbuttoning them. A lot more fun that way."

"I hate you."

"Stop acting like you hate me, it's not nice. Hurts me, you know?" He took my hand in his and put it on his chest.

"Hurts right there."

I looked at him for a moment, not moving my hand until my senses finally came back to me and I pulled my hand away from his.

He laughed and pulled out a notebook, writing down some of his ideas for what we're supposed to do.

"What are you writing?"

He scoffed. "Like I'm gonna tell you. I may not be the best at this but I'm not gonna be worse than you."

"You're worse than me at everything. Don't worry, you'll get used to this too."

He laughed again. I'd never seen him laugh so much. I loved it.

After about ten minutes of us minding our own business and writing down our ideas, he started irritating me again. He poked my hand with his stupid fingers until I paid attention to him.

"Fuck you." I said, growing very annoyed.

"That's what I've been saying for a year. When do you wanna do it?"

"That miserable mouth of yours does nothing but talk bullshit all day."

"Do you wanna find out what else it does?"

"I'm sure I can find out from one of the hundred girls you've fucked."

"Sure, or you could just let me do it to you and you can experience it first hand."

"Don't flatter yourself, i would never sleep with you."

"Oh, believe me, neither of us will be sleeping."

"You're absolutely disgusting."

"And you, my love, are absolutely beautiful." He said, moving my hair away from my face.

"You need to stop making these sexual jokes about me."

"Aw. Why? Does it make you sad? Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Or rest your legs on when you're getting thoroughly fucked?"

I felt my cheeks getting red and he smiled looking at me.

I turned away, furiously blushing and went back to writing. After about two minutes, I was done too. We showed each other our ideas and started making the presentation together. We stayed at the library all night, researching and making the presentation together because I didn't trust him to make a good one and he didn't trust me for it either.

"I think you're doing that wrong." He said when I was trying to put a picture into the presentation.

"I think I'm going to smash your face in. Shut the fuck up." I said.

"Oh, please. Like your little arms could reach my face."

"Fuck you." I whisper yelled.

" I don't even know how you get so many girls to sleep with you." I said, bored. I straightened my back and leaned back on the chair. He did the same and put his hands behind his head.
" Hm. Well, I have a pretty face and I know how to put a woman's needs above my own." He said.
" I guess your face is okay."
" Do you wanna sit on it?" His smile was adorable.

Yes. I do wanna sit on it.

"I'd rather die."

"You drive me fucking crazy, Gray. But, i think I'm starting to like it. Just a little bit."

Stop making me blush. Goddamn it.

We finished the project at around 5. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his hand on my chair and laid his head on mine.

"Is everything just a competition to you?" He asked.

"Isn't it to you too?"

He looked at me, smirking.

"I think it's time to go back to our dorms, yeah?We've got classes starting in four hours and I'm sleepy as fuck." He said softly.

"Yeah, let's go."

He dropped me off at my dorm,
"You did good, by the way. The whole research thing." He said awkwardly.

"I always do good." I said and closed the door after saying bye to him.


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