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Aurelia's POV:

Why the fuck does he have a British accent if he's from The Netherlands? Why does he get to have such green eyes that look so perfectly like the sea? Why the fuck does he keep finding himself so close to me every single day? I'm going to the library. It's better than overthinking alone in my dorm. At least I know I won't run into his stupid ass in there.

Boy, was I wrong. There he was sleeping in the psychology section with his hands on the table and his head resting on them. He looked cute like this. His blonde hair covered most of his features as they gracefully fell on the top of his face. I wanted to irritate him. So fucking badly. So that's what I did.

"Wake up dickhead." I whispered, bending down close to his ear.
He smiled and opened his eyes. His face is dangerously close to mine.
"Such a perfect sight to see as soon as I wake up." He whispered. I stood straight again and went to find a book for myself. He was still sitting but with his head resting on one hand as he looked at me.

"You know, you really should learn how to have a social life instead of studying all the time." He said. I laughed.

"That's rich coming from you. You're second in the entire year, you don't get to talk."

"I bet I can do better than you this mid term while having a better social life than you do."

I laughed "Yeah sure, Hawthorne. Keep dreaming, buddy. I accept your little bet."

"But... If and when I win this little bet, Gray," He said, standing up and coming closer to me. "I get to do whatever I want with you for one night." He trailed a finger over my jaw.

"You're not gonna win, so fine. I accept your terms."

I secretly wanted him to win if I'm being completely honest right now.

He smiled and reached above me to grab a book. I know he can get good grades if he tries hard enough. He could be better than me if he wanted. But I don't think he's seen me actually compete with someone. He leaned against the shelf and watched me.



"Shut the fuck up, Hawthorne. What do you want?"

"Tu es si belle, mon amour."

" What is that? Is that french?"

He nodded.

" What did you say?"

" I said, you're annoying."

French has always been my weakness. I tried learning it but I gave up when I saw all the accents. For all I know he could have cursed my entire family tree. Which is exactly why I need to win this bet.

I want to win and I will win.

I went to the next class and sat next to a boy I hadn't seen before. He had brown hair and beautiful light brown eyes.
"Hi, I'm Nate." He said after I sat down next to him.

I have to say he was extremely handsome. He seems kind as well.

After the class ended he asked me to come over to his dorm at the end of the day, after all my classes. I accepted his offer and went to my next class with a smile on my face.


I knocked on Nate's door and he opened it, his hair wet and messy from the shower

"Hey, I'm glad you came." He said, opening the door wider to let me in. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black compressed t-shirt. He looked fucking hot. I noticed a bunch of football awards and jerseys decorating his walls. He noticed me looking at those and said,
"Been playing football since I was in 7th grade."

He then asked me to sit down and I did. We talked till it was getting pretty late and he offered to drop me off at my dorm.

He seemed really nice. He talked a lot about his family and his love for football. He even showed me his art. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Thanks for tonight. I had fun." I told him when we were at his door.
"Me too."
I looked at him and then looked at his lips. They looked so kissable. Fuck.
I kissed him. His hands trailed up to my jaw and his lips were so fucking soft. I moaned softly when he gently pushed me against the door, still kissing me heavily.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered before kissing me harder.
We heard a loud knock on the door and immediately ripped away from each other.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I asked.
He shook his head. I was getting back to my senses while he went to open the door, but there was no one there. I opened it up wider to see if anyone was hiding somewhere but no. It was an empty hallway. I sighed, annoyed.

"It's getting late, Nate. I think I should leave."
He smiled and nodded, giving me a small kiss on my cheek before I left.

Who the fuck was that? Nate's amazing though, what the fuck. It's surprising I've never seen him before.


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