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Aaron's POV

I was first in the year. Not her. For once. I won the bet. I get to be with her but do I really want that? As much as I fucking love her, she is the only person I've ever truly hated. Her shit brown eyes and her shit hair and her coconut body wash. I hate everything about her. After that night, when we kissed all I've done is think about her and how amazing it felt finally being able to kiss her after a year of wanting to do so again. She hasn't tried to talk to me, in fact, I've barely seen her in the last three weeks even though she spent the break here just like me. Me and Archer are currently at his dorm, playing a video game.

"You know, you really should tell her how you feel."

"I did, Archer. I realized she doesn't feel the same way."

"Well, maybe she does. Look, my girlfriend is literally the only person who knows Aurelia almost as well as you do. She's never seen her like this. She told me how annoyed and angry she was at herself that she hurt you. She's cried to Blair so many times about you. I don't know if you'd like to believe it or not but she is in love with you, man."

"It's probably not even gonna end well. That's the only thing I'm worried about right now."

"Bro, what do you mean you're scared it would end badly? You guys already hate each other. It can't get any worse. Look, I think you guys would be great together. You both have a lot in common. I don't think you've spent enough time together as normal people to actually realize that. What were the conditions of the bet, by the way?"

"Oh, I told her that if I won, I get to do whatever I want to her for a night."

"Cute. Now go back to your dorm because Blair is coming over and I do not want her to fall in love with your broody little self."

I laughed and quit the game and left after saying goodnight to Archer. On the way back to my dorm, I saw Blair. I waved at her but she just looked at me, her eyes sad. I know Aurelia is hurt right now. I am too. She can't just make it about herself though, can she? I said a lot of shit that night. I accept it. But, what about what she did? Wasn't that just as bad?

I heard a knock on my door and I opened it to see her standing there. She looked beautiful. I let her into the room and heard everything she had to say. It pisses me off, the fact that I let it get to the point that she had to come and apologize to me.

Her lips looked so kissable right now. After we pulled away I said,

"I need to tell you something. Let's go out for a walk, yeah?"
She nodded, still blushing.

We walked out of the dorm and she looked up at me,
"What did you wanna tell me?"
"Uh, I don't really know how to tell you this, Lia, or if you'll even believe me but it's the truth...My parents are the rulers of The Netherlands. I'm the future king of The Netherlands. No one here knows about it. I never told anyone because I wanted to live a normal life before going back and doing all the royal shit."

She laughed, " Bullshit."

I smiled and looked at her and cocked an eyebrow.

"You can't be serious?"
"I wish I was joking. I really do."
"Uh, why are you telling me?"
"Well, I didn't want you to be in love with an idea of me. I want you to know who I am before... anything."

She nodded but didn't say anything. She bit her lip, confused.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah... Yeah. I'm just processing it. I'm sorry."

She stopped walking and looked at me, a million questions flowing through her beautiful mind.

"What was it like?"

"Hm. Well, I don't know. I spent most of my life away from home in London. At a boarding school. I rarely ever met my parents during that time. They kept saying they wanted me to have a normal life before... being a king. Before being a prince, anything. They wanted me to experience life as a normal human being. At the time, of course, I hated them. I hated the fact that I couldn't meet them. But now, I appreciate the fact that they protected me. I'm glad I'm here at this hellhole. With you."

She smiled. God, I fucking love that smile of hers.

Her eyes looked up into mine. Her beautiful brown eyes. She got on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around me. The smell of coconuts overwhelmed my senses as I wrapped my arms around her small body. I liked this. I liked holding her like this. I kissed her forehead softly and rested my head on hers. I felt small droplets fall on my face but I still didn't let go of her. The droplets turned into heavy rain.

"Have you ever danced in the rain?" I asked, tilting her jaw up so she could look at me.
"No. No, never. Have you?"
I shook my head.
"May I have this dance?" I asked her, holding her hand in mine. She smiled and nodded.
Her brown eyes shined, and her cheeks flushed red.

Uncontrollable feelings of love surged through my body. My hand brushed across her cheek. It was like my body was acting on its own. I just wanted to be in this pure heaven for the rest of my life.
I pulled her close to my chest, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Her lips went to whisper in my ear softly,
"You're really romantic when you're not being a total dick. Did you know that?" I laughed and shook my head.
She rested her head on my shoulder and we continued to dance, too lost in this heavenly feeling to stop.
"I'm so sorry, my love. For everything. I'm sorry for the last day in New York. I didn't mean that shit."

She brought her head up and looked at me, her eyes flooding with emotions. She leaned in and kissed me gently as I held her face in my hands.

"Why did you say it?"

"Archer. He told me Blair talked to you and that... you chose Nate over me. I was pissed. I wanted to hurt you. Make you feel the same way you made me. I-... I crossed a line and I am so sorry, love. I'm so sorry." I lay a soft kiss on her forehead and she closed her eyes.

"I forgive you."

Once we saw the lightning, we went back to my dorm. I gave her a towel, one of my T-shirts, and a pair of sweatpants so she wouldn't feel cold or anything.

Her eyes intoxicated me as she stood in front of me, her eyes looking up into mine. I pulled her face towards mine and kissed her. My tongue slipped into her mouth as I grabbed her thighs and wrapped them around my waist, carrying her over to my bed. She moaned softly as I bit her lip. I laid her down on the bed and started kissing her neck.

"I've waited for this for so fucking long." I said while taking off the T-shirt she was wearing.

She moaned softly as I bit her nipple. My hand went down to take off the sweatpants she was wearing. She lifted her hips so I could take them off easily. Her moans were like music to my ears every time I bit her nipples. I went back up and kissed her again. My hands explored every curve of her body.

"You're going to do exactly as I say." I said, pulling away from her.

She laughed. Breathing heavily, she looked at me and said,
"Yeah? What makes you think that I would ever listen to you?"
"I won the little bet, remember? I get to have my way with you and you... are going to fucking listen."


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