Chapter 32

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Season 4: Episode 10: After School Special

(Outfit down below)

Tyler had turned Klaus' hybrids against him, trying to kill him. The anger that filled Klaus' veins as he tried to search for Tyler but ended up crossing Carol, knowing the two only had each other is what drew Klaus to kill Carol.

I wasn't angry at Klaus for what he had done but did I agree with it? No. But I wasn't going to make a fuss about it. Knowing Tyler knew what he was putting himself into. Klaus wasn't the one to mess with and everyone knew that, he wasn't easy to take down either.

But I was also disappointed in Stefan who knew about it and watched Klaus step into his death trap. I don't know how long I will be disappointed about my brothers and husband's actions against each other. It's genuinely making me tired and just want them to get along.

Right now both Klaus and I were at the Gilbert's lake house to meet up with my older brother and Jeremy. "I know being sired to Damon is bad enough.. but may I ask why Stefan is in such a hurry to find this cure?" I couldn't help but ask Klaus.

"Because. Your brothers are in a love triangle once again..." Nik paused for a second, grabbing onto my hand. "She slept with Damon."

My eyes snapped open even wider as I stopped in my steps before we could enter the lake house. "They did what?"

"They had sex, love-" I cut him off, scrunching my face in disgust.

"I know! I know what you said." I said, letting go of his hand. "You don't need to repeat it." The image of them doing the deed while she was still in my brother came rushing to my mind.

Gosh, I thought I could handle her but honestly she's just getting worse for me to try and understand her or want to like her. "You asked me what they did and I decided to be nice enough to be specific, dear wife."

His smirk deepening on his face, knowing he officially made me disturbed. "Yeah.. too nice." I scoffed, heading ahead of him towards the direction where Damon and Jeremy were at.

"Both require you to be alive. Which is why I've updated our relationship status to 'it's complicated'. Have you talked to her at all? Elena?" Damon's voice came ringing in through my ears as we both got closer to them.

"Maybe. Why? Running out of voicemails to listen to?" Jeremy shot back, making me smile at his response.

"I'm sorry. Are we interrupting play time." Klaus spoke up, catching their attention.

"Ella." Damon looked over at me in relief, walking up to me and pulling me into a hug, planting a kiss on my head.

"Hi, Damon." I greeted, trying to ignore the information Klaus told me about earlier, but still I had a hint of disappointment laced with my voice. Knowing Damon had caught on, feeling a bit hesitant.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jeremy spat out, as he glared deeply at my husband, who stood beside me sluggishly.

Damon let go of me walking right back next to Jeremy. "I'm simply appreciating the sight and the smells of nature, neither of which presently include rotting vampire flesh, so I'm a bit concerned. How many vampires has he killed?" Klaus questioned, as he continued to hold a grin on his face while creeping closer to me, closing the gap between us.

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