Chapter 28

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Season 4: Episode 4: The Five. 

(Outfit on top)

I furrowed my brows looking at my husband who sat right next to me at the mystic grill, twirling the glass of whiskey in front of me. "Did you finally get what you wanted out of that hunter?" I asked, staring at him curiously.

He played with my wedding ring around my finger. "He didn't give me enough information." 

I sighed, letting the subject go, placing my hand under my chin, looking at Matt who was drying the cups. "Can I have another glass?" I asked, pushing the cup towards him. 

He flashed me a smile. "Of course." He responded, Klaus muttered something angry under his breath. 

I looked over at him to see him glaring at Matt. "He has a crush on you, love." I sighed, knowing he was going to start. "If he doesn't stop staring at you like that I'll crush him." He whispered in my ear, pulling away flashing Matt a fake smile as he placed the cup in front of me.

"Thank you." I sent him a genuine smile, looking back at my husband who was now glaring at me. "Would you stop being jealous?" He rolled his eyes, staring deep into my eyes. 

"If he does-" He was cut off by a familiar British voice. 

"The key to your new truck. It's parked outside, paid for, insured, everything but a big red bow." My eyes traveled to Rebekah who stood there placing the key onto the table.

"If that's your idea of an apology, you should probably give it to Elena. She's the one that you killed." Matt shot back, turning around and leaving. 

I whistled below my breath. "You're trying too hard." Klaus spoke up, causing her to look over at him. 

"Last I heard you were leaving town, forever." She snapped back. 

I grabbed my cup, knowing this conversation was obviously not going to end well.  "Well I was..." He began, as he got up from beside me and walked towards her.  "But then I thought to myself how can I when my sister, clearly so desperate for love and affection, is left here bribing the help." I remained seated, staring at the two without saying anything. 

"What do you want Nik? I thought I was dead to you." Rebekah questioned. 

"Things change Rebekah." Klaus started,
"I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you." He further continued. 

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Doubt that." 

"No? Well, what if I told you the brotherhood of The Five still existed." Rebekah looked at him confused. 


"You see, and like that bygones." Klaus told him smugly. "Come on love, work to do." He said, expecting her to agree but she didn't move an inch. 

"We don't have anything to do. There is no we. I don't care about The Five and I don't care about you." My eyebrows arched at her words, looking over at Klaus who glanced at my direction as I shot him a told you so look. 

Klaus shrugged his shoulder. "As you wish." He turned to me, grabbing my hand. "Let's go, love." He interlocked my hand with his as we left the mystic grill. "If you say anything-" I cut him off. 

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