Chapter 24

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3x21: Before Sunset.

A sigh escaped my lips as I rolled over onto my back looking beside me to see Klaus sleeping with his arm wrapped around my waist. I shuffled closer to him, attaching my forehead to the side of his head as I placed my hand on his chest. Klaus shuffled a bit before his hand latched onto mine and interlocked it with his, exhaling deeply from his nose.

"Good morning." He greeted, making me look up at him with a smile.

"Morning." He leaned over to kiss my lips but I moved my face away, his eyebrows arched in confusion. "Morning breath." I reminded, he rolled his eyes kissing my forehead instead.

His second hand lowered down to my butt, giving it a little pat. "We need to start packing."

I huffed exaggeratedly, as I placed my head onto his chest which caused him to suppress a laugh. "I don't want to." I mumbled in his chest, he rubbed my back up and down soothingly.

Pressing another kiss to my forehead. "We have to." He stated, making me groan in annoyance. "Come on." I rolled my eyes, sitting up. "Don't give me attitude or I'll give you something for giving me attitude." I raised my brow, narrowing my eyes at him.

I smirked pulling the blankets off my body. "Your threats don't scare me." He latched forward to grab me but I quickly ran away from his grasp and into the bathroom but within seconds I gasped loudly to see him in front of me.

Damn vampire abilities, he had a devilish smirk on his face. Yes, indeed I was in trouble. I gasped loudly when he pushed me against the bathroom door that was now closed. "Klaus." I breathed out, he continued to smirk and grab my chin.

"What did I say about giving me attitude?" He whispered against my ear, I shivered at his breath falling against my ear. "Hm?" He hummed as he placed kisses against my neck.

I grabbed his shoulders. "Klaus-" I began but no words wanted to come out, his lips were just so distracting it made me forget every word I knew.

I could feel him smirk against my skin knowing he had an affect on me, his hand dragged the straps of my nightgown down my arms as he continued to assault my neck. I moaned when his fangs brushed against my collarbone, my nightgown fell from my body and onto the floor, pooling at my feet.

He looked down making my breathing shorten, watching his dark lusted eyes scan over my body. "No bra? Who knew you'd be naughty?" He smirked, smashing his lips onto mine.

The kiss was heated and rough, without breaking the kiss he tapped my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck, jumping up as he grabbed my legs wrapping them around his waist. I felt us moving but I didn't bother to break our heated kiss.

Klaus pulled away as I trailed my kisses down to kiss jaw and towards his neck. "Shower time, love." He whispered against my ear, biting onto my earlobe making me moan as he put more pressure onto it.

"Klaus, I want you." I breathed out, he chuckled against my ear.

"You have me."


(Ella's Outfit on top)

Klaus and I had been packing for the past hour and all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep. I turned my head when Rebekah entered the room, my eyebrow furrowed when I saw the slight anger in her eyes. I was hoping she'd help me get out of this packing mess but I guess not.

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