Chapter 1

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(2x18): The Last Dance.

I drove past the Mystic Falls sign, plopping my elbow on the window as I focused on the road driving with one hand, memories of the small town came flashing in my mind. I clutched onto the wheel when one specific person came flashing in my mind.

I let out a huff when I took a turn stopping in front of a beautiful house that was owned by my brothers. I slipped out of the car slamming the door shut. I took baby steps towards the house. I was nervous I hadn't seen them since the 80's. I hesitantly raised my first knocking on the door.

I heard footsteps approach causing me to take a step back when the door flew open. My eyes met familiar piercing blue eyes, he stared at me in shock before slamming me against the wall in seconds. "Who are you!?" He shouted, holding onto my neck.

"Damon, let go of me." I said, trying to rip his hand away from my neck. "It's me, Ella." He looked at me surprised and shocked.

He slowly let go of me pulling back. "You're alive." He said in relief.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him feeling tears brim in my eyes. "I've been." I blinked the tears away, before we both pulled away.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand leading me inside. I froze when I saw Stefan and Katherine? Stefan turned around and looked at me instantly freezing. "Yes, she is real." Stefan was frozen in a shock state.

"Stefan." I smiled softly, running towards him wrapping my arms around his neck. He smacked out of his shocked state and twirled me around causing me to giggle. "It's nice to see you." I said, pulling away when he put me down.

"I've missed you so much." He leaned down kissing my forehead.

"I've missed you as well, both of you." I glanced at my two brothers. My eyes landed on the girl that looked like Katherine. She looked nervous all of sudden. "I'm Ella and you are?" She hesitantly reached for my hand that I stuck out.

"Elena, Stefan's girlfriend." I shook her hand before pulling it away, glancing at Stefan with a raised brow.

Damon looked over at me. "How did you know she wasn't Katherine?" He asked surprised.

I put my lips in a line. "I just know." I kept my eyes on her. "Damon, will you please get my bags out of the car?" I asked my older brother.

He shook his head. "You can do it yourself." I huffed in annoyance.

"And I thought you were my favorite." I said, acting sad making him go into guilt.

He rubbed his face in frustration. "Fine." He walked out of the house.

I smirked. "Works all the time." I flashed my Stefan a grin.

He rolled his eyes before turning to his girlfriend. "You didn't tell me you had a sister." She said, turning to Stefan who looked back at her before glancing at me.

He cleared his throat. "I thought she was gone." I crossed my arms. "And you have a lot of explaining to do." He wiggled his finger at me. I groaned throwing my head back.

"That isn't fair! I just came back." I whined, Stefan rolled his eyes.

"We don't care." Damon said, shutting the door with his foot as he set my bags down before walking towards me grabbing my arm dragging me towards the couch. "Explain." He said, sitting right beside me.

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