Chapter 3

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(2x20 The Last Day)

I laid in bed, twirling my ring around the chain as I stared at the window. My eyes were fluttering opened and closed since I had just woken up. I sat up yawning, my brothers were too caught up in Elena that they didn't even ask where I was yesterday. I was gone until midnight and they still haven't checked up on me. 

It hurt me but I didn't care anymore, no matter what there was going to be something ruining our family. I stood up walking towards my closet throwing my clothes on the bed before walking into the bathroom. 

I stripped out of my clothes throwing them in the dirty laundry. I stepped into the hot shower. I washed my body and hair looking at the wall in front of me. I hadn't seen Klaus ever since I left the apartment. I didn't want to go back just yet. 

I had gotten out of the shower and went towards the curling Iron plugging it in, before grabbing my blow drier and dried my hair, then I grabbed the heated curling Iron and curled my hair into fat curls. I grabbed my makeup before walking out of my bathroom. 

I almost screamed when my back was slammed against the wall and a hand was on my lips stopping me from screaming. He pulled his hand away from my lips. "Klaus." I hissed, slapping his shoulder. "Don't worry no one is here, they all went to protect Elena." I pushed past him. 

I turned around and looked at him with my arms crossed. I looked at him confused when his eyes were traveling to my body, looking down gasping when I realized I was in a small towel. "Um..I'm" I trailed awkwardly as I watched his eyes turn black from lust. "I'm gonna go change."I grabbed my clothes going towards the bathroom.

 "I've seen it all before, love." I ignored him and slammed the bathroom door shut. I quickly got dressed. (Outfit on top)

I walked out when I finished slipping my shoes on. "I need something to drink." I walked out of my bedroom with him trailing close behind me. I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to see it half empty. Of course they only drink blood. 

I slammed it shut going through the cupboard to see coffee. Eh will do. I put hot water on the stove before turning around gasping when I bumped into Klaus' chest. "I want to know why you didn't come back to me yesterday." I froze, before my eyes met his. 

I sucked in air, walking past him grabbing a mug before setting it on the counter. "You've changed, Klaus." I turned around and looked at him. "Not in a good way." I picked up the hot water pouring it in my mug, before mixing it with a spoon. 

He stepped forwards grabbing my hand. "I might have changed towards people, but towards you I would never change. My love for you is still the same." My dead heart fluttered from his words as butterflies appeared in my stomach.

He still loves me as did I, reaching up putting my hand on his cheek with tears in my eyes. "I love you too, but I just can't think straight." I walked past him with the mug in my hand leading us towards the living room. 

I took a seat and he sat right beside me. I took a sip from the coffee setting it on the table turning to him. "I want to know what happened that night." My dead heart stung as I thought of that night. "I want to hear the truth for the first time." I bit my lip hard. 

I opened my mouth but shut it once again. He had a right to know what happened that night. I can't just hide it from him forever. "That night you left with Elijah to go hunt. I was home alone. I was in the kitchen and I remember I heard something upstairs but I thought I was imagining things. But when I heard something crash against the floor. I had to go check." I shivered at the thought of the memory. 

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