Chapter 34

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Season 4: Episode 12: A View To a Kill

The feeling of peppering kisses against my neck as the arms that held me, gripped onto me tighter. The kiss turned into little sucks, creating little marks. A small whimper escaped my throat, as my eyes slowly fluttered open.

Tired. Completely worn out from what just happened, slowly turning around as my naked chest came into contact with my husband's.

"Good morning, love." He whispered so sweetly, as he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

My eyes looked up at him tiredly as a lazy smile played on my lips. "Good morning, baby." I replied, giving him a kiss against his lips.

"Did I worn you out?" Klaus asked, smirking in victory.

I yawned, giving him a nod. "Yes, You did and I feel sore."

He let out an aw, as he kissed my forehead. "You're a vampire plus a witch you'll heal within two minutes, baby."

"Mhm." I replied, closing my eyes once again.

"Do you want to stay here?" He asked me. I nodded my head, with my eyes still closed.

"Where are you going?" I couldn't help but question, as he slowly unwrapped his arms around me, placing the blanket completely over me to cover me.

We were still on the sofa and of course he wouldn't want anyone to walk in and see his wife naked. "I'm going to see Rebekah, darling. You continue resting here until you feel better."

I smiled at him, giving him another kiss before I watched him get up and pick his clothes up to get dressed. "I'll go shower first, if you care. You can join me." He winked, as he walked away.

I sighed, throwing my head back onto the pillow below me, closing my eyes and once again drifting to sleep. Last night was just too wild for me, every energy in me was gone.

(Outfit on below)

I walked down into the cellar with a water bottle in my hand as Stefan walked in front of me. My eyes fell onto my older brother, who sat there weakly.

"You coming to snap my neck again?" Damon asked, having me slowly look at Stefan with a questionable look. "Because I woke up feeling completely un-murderous, and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free."

Stefan threw a vial of blood towards Damon. "Oh really? You both practically bled me dry. At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty."

Stefan sighed, turning around snatching my water bottle out of my hand and threw it towards Damon. "Hey! That was mine." I called out, Stefan shot me a look.

I slowly looked down, biting my lip. "Not exactly what I had in mind."

"You did say you were thirsty.. so this will quench your thirst." I said, giving him a little smile and a wink.

"Why are you so energized?" Stefan asked me, as we both watched Damon get off the floor and weakly grab the water bottle.

"That's my doing." My husband's voice came through, having us turn our attention towards him. "Hello, mate."

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