Chapter 12

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3x07: Ghost World.

I entered the house as I ran a hand through my hair, my mind was filled with my magic and witch side. I went through a computer store and researched many witches in the past but nothing barely popped up, sighing walking up the stairs unlocking the house but one thing caught my attention someone screaming in pain. 

"Damon?" I quickly flung the door open and ran inside to see Damon chained to the chair as the curtain was held open by nothing. The sun hitting his skin. "Damon!" I shouted throwing my purse on the ground rushing towards him. I looked at him confused before rushing towards the curtain and forcefully closed it, the weird thing was it was like I forced it out of something's grip. 

I looked to the side in confusion. My eyes caught his daylight ring on the ground, rushing towards it picking it up from the ground as Damon continued to grunt and groan in pain. "Thank god." He muttered, as I grabbed his hand putting the daylight ring on his finger. 

"Why are you tied up?" I asked, going around and unchaining him. 

He moved his arms to his front. "Something is wrong. Something is defiantly wrong." He breathed out as his body healed from what had happened. "I thought it was Stefan's wicked games but it isn't." I furrowed my brows. 

"Who did this to you?" I asked, with wide eyes. 

He sucked in a breath putting his hand on my shoulder. "Mason Lockwood." He responded. "I don't know how because he's dead." I continued to look at him in confusion and curiously. "I need to meet someone." He quickly walked off leaving me standing there with many questions running in my mind. 

"What?" I muttered to myself, watching Damon's back disappear from the stairs as I looked at the curtains and instantly I jumped back when I saw a man standing there with a smirk on his face. "Who are you?" I asked with wide eyes as he walked towards me. 

"Mason Lockwood." He responded, before he disappeared from my sight. 

I gasped. "Damon! You have his ghost haunting you." I shouted, running up the stairs. "Mason Lockwood was in our house just now! You brought a ghost into our house!" I shouted, storming towards his room. 

I barged the door open to see him changing. "How do you know that?" He asked walking towards me with wide eyes. 

I sent him a look. "Did you forget? I'm a witch! I just saw that man downstairs!" I exclaimed as chills ran up my body. "What did you do to him?" I questioned, walking towards him. 

"I killed him." My eyes widen at his response. 

"What did you do?" I sighed, putting my hand on his forehead knowing we had a whole list of problems coming for us. 


(Ella's outfit on top)

I was jogging my way inside since I got a call from Elena to meet her at the city jail. After I told Damon about the door to the other side has opened by someone's spell, he went to go look for Bonnie. I myself entered the city jail, looking for Elena but instantly stopped when I saw her and a blonde girl. 

Elena rushed towards me. "Hey." She greeted as she stopped in front of me. 

"Where is Stefan?" I asked, she pointed at the basement cellar. I quickly walked over to see him tied to a chair unconscious. I glanced at the girl standing beside me. "You're Lexi right? Stefan's old friend?" She smiled at me. 

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