Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: (4x01): Growing pains.

I groaned in pain as soon as I woke up from my blackout, my eyes fluttered open to be greeted in darkness, my hands couldn't move at all as a rope was putting pressure onto them, flashes of what happened back in the boarding house came flooding through my mind. I hissed in pain when I put pressure onto my wrist, trying to move them. 

"Ella." I heard Rebekah's voice, causing me to look over at her but she wasn't the only one there Caroline was sitting right beside her. "You're awake." She said in relief, I sat up groaning in pain. 

Rebekah tried getting herself out of the ropes. "Vervain ropes." I pointed out, as my voice came out raspy. 

Caroline glanced between Rebekah and I. "Looks like Alaric outed us all to the Council." She clarified.

Rebekah looked at her curiously. "The Council? What exactly do they think they can do to me?" Before Caroline could answer the wheel of the van made the loudest screech as the three of us go flying feeling the van feel as if it's flipping over. 

I breathed out, as the three of us looked at each other shocked and confused. "What the hell happened?" Rebekah spoke up. 

The door opened causing a bright light to appear in the van, making me put my hand over my eyes, blinking quickly trying to get used to the brightness as I looked at the person who opened the door. "Tyler?" Caroline uttered in shock. 

But what caused me to furrow my brows was that Tyler wasn't looking at her, he was staring at me. "I'm harder to kill than you think." Tyler commented, finally looked at Caroline. 

I watched him head towards me ripping the rope off causing my hands to be free, he turned to Caroline and did the same. "You're alive? How are you alive?" Caroline cried out, I awkwardly slipped out of the van. 

If only Klaus could come back like Tyler. "No time. Come on, we've got to go." Tyler helped her up, turning to me as he grabbed my hand. 

I froze looking down at my hand in his, looking up at him with a raised brow. I quickly slipped my hand from his and walked away from him, with Caroline and him walking close behind me. I sighed when we entered the woods but that was until realization hit me. "Wait. Where is Rebekah?" I turned around but my eyes widen even more when I saw Caroline speed over to Tyler and pin him against the tree. 

She went to kiss him but that was until Tyler shockingly stopped her. "What's wrong?" She asked him, but his eyes stayed trained on me causing me to feel a little weird about his actions. 

She looked over at me as I awkwardly stood there. "I'm just gonna..." I pointed behind me, turning around and walking away but that was until I froze at Tyler's words. 

"Love, I don't think you'd want to kiss me in front of my wife." I snapped around looking over at Tyler, completely shocked and frozen. 

For a second I thought I was hearing things but that was until I saw Caroline completely shocked. "Oh my god. You're Klaus!" She exclaimed, her expression turned into disgust. "You're disgusting!" I stared at him completely shocked. 

He moved away from Caroline and walked towards me causing me to take a step back. "No. That's not possible." I muttered, he stared down at me with a smirk. "Klaus?" I breathed out, sighing in relief as I threw myself into his arms holding him tightly feelings tears flood down my face. "You're alive." I cried, he rubbed my back. 

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