Chapter 2

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(2x19): Klaus.

I put my straightener down when I was finished straightening my hair. I grabbed my makeup and started applying some on my face before turning around and walking out of the bathroom. I grabbed my outfit. (Outfit on top). 

I went over to my bed fixing the sheets and organizing the pillows. The door flew open causing me gasp and jump back quickly turning around to see Damon with a panicked look. "Do you know where Elijah is?" He asked, rushing towards me grasping both of my arms. 

I shook my head. "No. I haven't entered the basement ever since you told me not to." He let go of me sighing, pacing back and forth before he dashed out of my room. I ran behind me him down stairs. "What about Stefan?" I asked Damon as we head downstairs. 

"Wasn't me either." Stefan said when we entered the living room. 

I crossed my arms sighing in annoyance. "Did you guys ask Elena?" I asked, glancing between the two. Stefan shook his head. 

"She wouldn't." I raised an eyebrow. 

"Just to make sure call her." I told him, sitting on the couch with my hand on my forehead. I watched Stefan slip his phone out and dialed his girlfriend's number. 

I huffed interlocking my hands. "Where are you? Are you okay?" Stefan asked as soon as she answered the phone. 

"Yes, I'm fine." She answered casually. 

I'm really hungry for some blood right now. "Where's Elijah?" Stefan asked as I looked over at Damon. 

"Will you be able to fetch me some blood, after Stefan's call?" I asked, he rolled his eyes before nodding his head in response. 

"He's right here." Both my brothers looked at me and I sent them a knowing smile.

 "Where? I'm on my way." Stefan said, preparing to go look for her. 

I twirled my thumb around listening to the conversation on the phone. "No, Stefan, Elijah and I need some time alone." She's willing to risk her life for some short answers. 

"Listen to me. He can't be trusted he'll use you to get to Klaus." No matter what ups and downs the Mikaelsons go through they will never go against each other. They were family after all. 

"Elijah is a noble man, Stefan. He lives by a code of honor. I can trust him. He knows that I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I have proven myself." She rambled. 

I stood up walking towards Stefan sitting right beside him, holding his arm. "You can't do this alone." He glanced at me as he tried stopping her. 

"It's my decision, Stefan. Please respect it. And make sure that Damon doesn't do anything stupid. I'll be in touch." She hung up on him before he looked over at me stressed out by the fact his girlfriend is in danger. 

"Did she just hang up on you?" Damon asked Stefan from the couch. 

I sent him a look for asking the obvious. "Yes, Damon she did." He ignored my look. 

"She's lost it." I nodded my head in agreement.

"If anyone can get him to help us kill Klaus, it's her." I rolled my lips into my mouth. 

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