Chapter 23

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Episode 3x20: Do Not Go Gentle.

I placed the curling iron down after I had finished curling my hair into big curls, my makeup was neatly done and was perfect on the first try surprisingly. I soothed out my dress, stepping back and looking at my outfit in the mirror. (Outfit on top) I had woken up to no one beside me, but I knew Klaus was still in the mansion. 

Heading towards the bedroom door, pulling it open and walking out. Klaus' art room door was open, which led me to know that he was in his art room. I walked in to see Klaus with a paint brush in his hand, he looked up catching my eyes and instantly a smile formed onto his poker face. 

"Good morning, love." I walked towards him with a grin on my face. 

I placed my lips onto his, giving him a little peck. "Morning." I responded. 

"You look beautiful." He stood up from his stool wrapping his arms around me as a lazy grin was formed onto his face. 

I blushed staring into his beautiful eyes. "I love you." I whispered, causing him to chuckle and place a kiss onto my forehead. "Thank you for last night." A smirk formed onto his face, causing my smile to drop knowing he took that in the wrong way. 

"Mhm. Which part are you thanking me for?" He asked, with a cheeky wink causing me to blush and look down at my shoes. 

"Not that part." I slapped his shoulder. "You always twist my words into something dirty." His laugh filled my ears causing my heart to flutter at his laugh. 

"Only for you." He pecked my nose, making me smile like a little child on Christmas. 

The moment was soon ruined by a female British accent. "Am I interrupting something." My head turned towards the door direction as I pulled away from Klaus. 

I shook my head. "No." I responded, to Rebekah who had a little smirk on her face. Glancing between Klaus and I. 

"What took you so long?" Klaus questioned his little sister. 

She let out a breath. "Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake." She showed us the stake in her hand. "Luckily i'm quite a charmer." I sat on a chair while staring at the two siblings talking. 

"That's it?" Klaus asked, a little surprised. 

Rebekah nodded her head. "The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us." She responded. "Do you want to do the honors or shall I?" She motioned to the fire. Klaus glanced at me before he takes the stake from Rebekah and throws it into the flames in the fireplace. The flames flare up around the stake.  

Rebekah and Klaus both watched the fire burn the stake as I clapped my hand, standing up walking towards the two siblings. "Well that's that then." I spoke up, causing Klaus to look over at me. 

"I want you both to pack your bags." I furrowed my brows in confusion. What does he mean pack your bags? "We're leaving." He revealed, causing me to look at him hesitant by his order. 

I wasn't ready to leave Mystic Falls. And it was because of my brothers knowing that we weren't on good terms and I didn't want to leave knowing we hadn't solved our problems. You shouldn't ever run away from problems and leave them behind because it always comes back but worse than before. 

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