Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: As I Lay Dying. 

A few days have passed since I have seen my brothers and Klaus. I've been avoiding my brothers and I don't really want to see Klaus right now, I've been staying at a motel since I don't want to face my brothers right now and don't really want to answer any of their questions. Stefan has called me at least ten times while Damon has been blowing up my phone with calls and messages which caused me to turn my phone off temporarily. 

If they find out that I'm married to their enemy all hell will break loose. I finished getting dressed for today, putting my curling Iron down before scanning myself in the mirror. (Outfit on top) I sighed turning around walking out of the bathroom grabbing my purse before walking out of the motel room. 

Walking down the street with my eyes scanning the street, there were so many people that looked so happy and I've always wished I would be like that but being a vampire means lack of happiness. I slipped my phone out from my purse looking down at my phone turning it on. 

As soon as it turned on I had one more message that was sent from Stefan, and instantly when I read the message my heart stopped. "Damon, you idiot." I whispered to myself before slipping my phone into my purse again and using my vamp speed in front of my brothers house. 

I knocked on the door repeatedly, stepping back as soon as the door opened. "Ella?" Stefan looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Where is he?" I asked, rushing inside as he shut the door. 

"I locked him in a cellar, did you know he was bitten?" He asked, staring down at me. I nodded my head. "Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned annoyed. 

I ran a hand through my hair. "He told me not to tell you." I looked down feeling guilty. 

Stefan sighed in disappointment. "Come on." He lead me towards the cellar room. 

"So, he really tried to kill himself?" I asked, as we made our way towards the cellar. 

He nodded his head. "Yep." I slowly froze when I saw Damon. 

"Oh my gosh." I gasped, staring down at him. He was so pale and weak. "We can't let him die." I turned to Stefan. "I think I know who can help." I said, Stefan looked at me curiously. 

"Who?" He questioned. 

My eyes fell on Damon before looking back at Stefan. "Klaus." I responded. 


Stefan and I made our way into Alaric's apartment, we were hoping to find Klaus there. Once we entered our eyes fell on the person sitting on the bed. Katherine. "Hello Katherine." I greeted, she didn't look happy one bit. 

She stood up staring at both Stefan and I. "Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead!" My head snapped to her. 

I sucked in a breath, stepping back. "We ran into complications." Stefan responded, slowly looking at me. I awkwardly looked around knowing questions of me and Klaus were running through his mind. 

"Complications?" She questioned, with an attitude. 

"Doesn't really matter." Stefan said, looking back at Katherine. 

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