Chapter 21

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3x18: The Murder Of One.

I quickly moved away from the oil that was shooting up, from the turkey bacon that I had placed into the pan. Oil and ice which is basically water do not mix, keep in mind to be patient while making breakfast. Even if you are starving wait until the damn turkey bacon melts, jumping when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. 

Looking over to see Klaus smirking as he leaned against the doorway. "You okay there?" He asked, with an amused smirk. 

I sent him a look. "I'm doing just fine." I sent him a fake smile. "Like you could do better." I whispered, continued to take the turkey out of the pan when it was prepared. 

I sighed, when his arms came around my waist, feeling him place a kiss against my temple. "One day we need to have a challenge of who's the best cooker in the house." He whispered against my ear, causing chills to run down my body. 

Gasping when he unexpectedly bit my earlobe. "Klaus." I warned, when his mouth brushed against my neck while his hands were on the belt that had closed my robe, hiding my half naked body. "Don't." I said, as my hand latched onto his big ones, preventing him from opening the belt. 

He scoffed, nuzzling his head into my neck. "Why?" He asked, as he pulled me closer to where my back was pushed against his front with no space. 

"Because..." I paused for a second, biting my lip when he sucked my neck. "I want to eat." I forced out, letting go of the bottom of my lip. 

I felt his lips pull away from my neck, as his hands let go of my waist. His body was still attached to mine causing me to let out a shaky breath, turning around to see him staring down at me with lust and desire. 

"I'm hungry too." He whispered, stepping closer to me causing me to stumble back until my back hit the sink, he smirked placing his hand on each side of the sink leaving no escape. He leaned down causing his lips to brush against my ear making my breath get caught up in my throat. "But i'm not hungry for food or blood." I gasped at his words. 

He pulled away from my ear, glancing down at my lips before looking back at my eyes. I continued to stare at him frozen, he leaned down with a sly grin as it slowly faded, focusing on my lips as I did with his plumped and soft looking ones. I sucked in a breath when his lips brushed against mine. 

"Nik!" I gasped, moving my head away from Klaus as Rebekah entered the kitchen, glancing between the two of us. 

My face reddened as Klaus closed his eyes tightly, looking annoyed, turning his head towards his sister. "What!?" He exclaimed annoyed. 

"Was I interrupting something?" She asked, glancing between the two of us with a smirk on her face. 

"No." I replied the same time Klaus said. "Yes." We both looked at each other. 

Klaus sent me a look. "You did." He answered, coldly to his sister. 

I bit my lip, taking the chance to grab my plate and walking away from Klaus. "I'll leave you two to talk while I go and eat." I sent Klaus an innocent smile as his face fell. 

I walked past Rebekah out of the kitchen, heading towards the dining room pulling a seat out and sitting down. Grabbing my fork digging into my food that had become warm but I was still fine with it, sucking in a breath letting my mind drift to Damon and Stefan. 

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