Chapter 20

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3x16: 1912.

I buried my head deeper in the comfy pillow not bothering to open my eyes, hearing Klaus chuckled from beside me as his arm went tighter around my waist pulling me closer to him so that his bare chest was touching my back. I sighed as he sent soft kisses to my neck, causing me to place my hand onto his arm that was wrapped around me tightly. 

"Good morning, love." I whined knowing I had to get up from the bed, I heard him laugh before he placed a kiss on my cheek. 

My eyes fluttered open, rubbing it before turning around, laying on my back turning my head towards Klaus to see him smirking at me. "Do I have to get up?" I asked, in annoyance. 

He touched my cheek softly, caressing it causing my eyes to flutter closed. "I want to be with you." My eyes opened again, meeting his bright ones. "Before I go and track down that mother of mine." I nodded my head, leaning over kissing his lips. 

"Okay." We both sat up, I ran a hand through my hair. "I need to shower." I threw the blanket off me, slipping myself out of the bed. 

My eyes fell on Klaus who was sitting there biting his lip with a sly smile on his face. "I'm joining." He threw the blanket off of himself and walked towards me. 

I placed my hand on his chest stopping him from walking closer to me. "Klaus we can't." I said, feeling blood rush to my cheeks, just the thought of it gave chills and heat to my body. 

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Why is that?" 

"Elijah and Rebekah are here." I whispered, he rolled his eyes. 

"Elijah left. And Rebekah went out early in the morning." I nibbled on the bottom of my lip staring at him as he placed a sly smirk on his face once again. 

I nodded my head in defeat, removing my hand from his chest, knowing he won he smirked, lifting me off the ground causing me to squeal at his action. "Time to shower." I giggled as he took us towards the bathroom shutting the door with his foot. 


  I had just finished straightening my hair and doing my makeup, trying to hide all the hickeys Klaus left me but clearly concealer wasn't working, obviously since Klaus had made sure that I wouldn't be able to ever hide his hickeys on my neck, chest, and breasts. I had finished getting dressed (Outfit on top), zipping up my shoes up, looking up to see Klaus leaning against the wall looking at me. 

I smiled up at him. "What?" I asked, standing up from the bed. 

He pushed himself off the wall walking towards me smirking, wrapping his arms around me. "Nothing." Placing a kiss on my forehead. "You're just beautiful." He complimented causing me to blush and grab onto his biceps. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand, taking me out of the bedroom. 

We walked down the stairs and my eyes instantly fell on a hybrid walking towards us. "Someone sent this to you." He handed me a box, looking down at it confused. 

"What is it?" Klaus asked, curiously. 

I removed my hand from Klaus' and shrugged at his question. "I don't know." I replied, untying the bow on the box and taking the head off revealing a tiny little teddy bear. Not just any teddy bear. My old teddy bear that Damon had gotten for me when I was eight. I felt a lump in my throat looking at the stuffed teddy bear in my hand as my eyes water, pulling out the note. 

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