Chapter 14

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3x10: The New Deal.

I finished taking a shower letting the heat of the bathroom open my stuffed up nose from all the crying last night. I stood in the mirror with my undergarment after I finished straightening my hair, grabbing my makeup bag and did my makeup ignoring the knock on my door. I hadn't talked to my brothers at all last night, remaining in my locked room. 

I sighed when I finished applying my lipstick, throwing it back into the makeup bag before walking towards the bed picking up my clothes, taking off my robe and slipped on my outfit. (Outfit on top)

I walked over putting my things into my tiny side bag, heading towards the door. I hesitantly unlocked it, pulling the door opened and storming down the stairs to see Damon sitting there. I could tell he was clearly stressed out about something and I don't know if I should start talking to him after last night. 

He looked up at me with his red eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked, I sucked in a breath crossing my arms. 

"Out." I responded, shortly heading towards the door but he grabbed my forearm stopping me from taking another step. 

He turned me around to face his blood shot red eyes. "Where?" He asked, softly. I felt sadness pierce through me as I stared up at him. 

"Klaus." That's all I said, before ripping my arm out of his grasp and walking away from him. 

I headed towards the door, pulling it open before looking over at my shoulder to see Damon staring down at the ground with a defeated and hurt look. My heart broke at my brother's expression but this was my life and my husband, I wasn't just going to abandon Klaus just because everyone think he's the bad guy. 

I walked over towards my car, and pulled the door open before slipping inside and turning it on. I had called Klaus last night telling him everything that happened, he instantly got angry when he found out that Damon threw a glass cup at the wall near my head. He was about to come to the boarding house and rip Damon's heart out but Damon was my brother and seeing him get hurt. Hurts me. The same goes for Stefan if I see one of my brothers get hurt. 

I continued to drive to Klaus' temporary home by the time he buys himself a house. I drove into the driveway to see a couple of his hybrids next to the door, slipping out of my car and locking it behind me as I walked inside the house. I gasped when Tony one of his hybrids appeared in front of me. "Is Klaus home?" I asked, stopping in my mid-step. 

He nodded his head. "He's in the parlor." He responded. I sent him a small smile before walking towards the parlor to see him seated drinking a glass of blood as he glared out of the window. 

I furrowed my brows seeing his angry expression. "Nik?" I walked over, as he turned his head looking at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, taking a seat beside him. 

He sighed, slamming his cup onto the table, reaching over grabbing my hand and placing it into his big and warm ones. He stroked my knuckles with his thumb, slightly calming down a bit. "Your brother." I looked at him confused. Which one? "Stefan." He paused, squeezing my hand. "He took the coffins." I looked at him with my eyebrows shot in surprise. 

"Why-would he?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair. 

He scoffed at my question. "As soon as that lovely brother of yours got lifted from my compulsion he wants revenge by taking my-" He cut himself off, staring down at me"Our family." He correct himself. I leaned back against the couch looking ahead of me in disbelief. 

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