Chapter 25

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3x22: The Departed.

My back was to the wall as I sat on the hard floor next to the wooden door, my eyes felt sore from all the tears I had shed. Everywhere felt numb especially my heart, I tried turning off my emotions but it wouldn't work. It just wouldn't switch at all. 

Days had passed since my brothers locked me up in my room. I held onto the wall for support as I stood up, walking towards the bathroom. My eyes instantly fell on the mirror, the person looking back at me was dead, completely pale, dark circles. That person staring back at me was completely heartbroken and the only thing keeping her alive was her vampire side. That person standing in the mirror was me. 

I gripped the edge of the counter tightly, glaring at the reflection back at me. "I will never forgive them." I promised myself. "I will never forgive them!" I screamed, throwing my perfume bottle at the mirror, causing both of the objects to shatter into pieces. "I will never forgive them!" I yelled, throwing whatever on the sink onto the ground, causing the glass items to shatter. "Never!" I breathed out, slumping against the wall and slowly sliding onto the ground. 

I didn't realize I was crying until a tears fell onto my leggings. "I hate them." I sobbed, digging my head into my hands. 

  ⚜ ⚜⚜ 

The bedroom door opened, but I didn't bother turning around to see who it was. I continued to keep my back to whoever entered the bedroom, hearing the footsteps get closer before a hand touched my arm causing me to turn around quickly to see Rebekah. 

"Bekah?" I breathed out, instantly tears formed into my eyes. 

"Awh. Babe." We quickly wrapped our arms around each other. I felt tears slip out of my eyes as she held me close. "Shh." She rubbed my back soothingly. 

I pulled away from her looking at her confused. "What are you doing here?" I asked, putting a stray of hair behind my ear. 

She sucked in a breath. "I need you to come with me so we can get my brother's corpse back at the storage unit." She revealed, I didn't want to see him like that again. 

I swallowed roughly nodding my head. "Okay." 

"Get dressed." She told me softly. 

I stood up walking towards my closet taking out a pair of clothing before walking into the bathroom, dressing out of my old clothes and into my new ones. I looked at the shattered objects on the ground before walking right back out. 

"Let's go." I said, walking out of the bedroom with Rebekah following close behind me. "They aren't home?" I asked, surprised with no emotions running through my veins. 

"When I came in I didn't see anyone." Rebekah revealed. I rolled my eyes, walking out of the boarding house, heading towards Rebekah's car. I climbed in the same time she did. "I'm sorry." I heard her say as her voice cracked. I remained quiet, staring out of the window as she started the car and drove off. 


I smirked, plopping my elbow onto the table with my hand under my chin as I admired Klaus from the back. "I told you I'm one of the best chefs out there." He said cockily, making me roll my eyes at his cockiness. 

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