Chapter 13

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Quick note: 

I have decided to skip Ordinary people because it is getting boring without Klaus being in the chapters! So I've decided to skip it and create this one! Hopefully you all are okay with that. 

3x09: Homecoming. 

The door to the other side was closed and every ghost that had appeared was gone. Stefan never turned his humanity back on. And all I wanted was Klaus to come back. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and tell me he is going to keep me safe from the monsters that we battle with. It had been two days since I had come out of my room due to seeing that monster who tortured me for years, seeing him scared me, terrified me. Damon had come into my room asking me if I was okay but all I replied with was 'i'm fine' He knows I am lying but doesn't want to push the subject. 

I tried calling Klaus many times but he wouldn't pick up. I know what Damon and the rest were planning, they were the ones who took Mikael out of the coffin. I was terrified, I knew he was capable of anything, the thinks I'm dead what would happen if he finds out I am alive and Klaus isn't here to protect me. 

I threw on my tank top and leggings after taking a shower. I walked over towards the door opening it to see Damon standing there getting ready to knock, he instantly put his fist down when I had opened the door. "You're finally coming out of the room." He smirked, I stared at him with a blank expression. 

"Why did you wake Mikael up?" I asked, turning around walking back into my room. He sighed in annoyance knowing I was not coming out of my room. 

I sat on the bed putting the blanket over my legs as I stared at him entering, shutting the door behind him. He crossed his arms as he stood right in front of the end of the bed. "We are planning on using him for our plan against Klaus." I sent him a look. 

"I know that. But what plan?" I questioned bringing the pillow beside me to my lap. 

He sighed running a hand through his dark colored hair as he stared down at me with his piercing blue eyes. "Killing Klaus." He revealed, tensing at his answer as I clutched the pillow in my lap tightly. 

I swallowed forcefully, as anxiety and butterflies appeared in my body. "Don't you think using his devil of a father a plan too far?" I asked, glaring up at my brother. 

He narrowed his eyes at me. "What he is doing to Elena isn't right." 

"Yes, but there is no need to involve killing." I bit back. He looked down at me with furrowed brows and confusion. 

"You know if I didn't know better I would think you are picking his side." I threw the pillow off my lap standing up from the bed crossing my arms turning my back to him as tears pooled my eyes. 

Little do you know brother...little do you know...I blinked my tears away, looking back at my brother who was watching me carefully. I cleared my throat rubbing my hands together. "Go ahead and do whatever you want. Continue your plan. I don't care." I snapped, heading towards the door pulling it open. "You can go." I ordered him, he looked at me curiously. 

He walked towards the opened door. "Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked, carefully looking down at me.

I squeezed the doorknob suddenly feeling angry. "There is nothing." I responded, tiredly. "You may go now." I said, calmly. 

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