Chapter 6

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 3x01: The Birthday.

It had been months since Stefan, Klaus, and I have left mystic falls. Klaus has been trying to find werewolves since he wants to make an hybrid army. So far Stefan hasn't questioned anything about Klaus and I, which surprised me but at the same time he has his own problems, unless Klaus compelled Stefan to not say anything. 

Anyways we had traveled state from state this summer, trying to find werewolf packs. They are now becoming hunted down by many species, literally anything you could think of. The whole time Klaus was stressed and he also snapped at me for 'drawing too loud' I don't think that is possible. 

I haven't talked to him since then which was yesterday, he has been ignoring me as well even though he was the one who started all of this. Stefan is my main priority right now, my biggest fear is that he is going to become a ripper all over again even though that is what Klaus is trying to aim at but seeing him start all over again scares me and causes a stinging pain to my heart.

Right now we are in Tennessee looking for a werewolf named Ray Sutton since he might lead us to where the other pack of werewolves are. I sighed putting my back against the seat as I looked down at my nails. 

I felt Klaus' gaze on me not bothering to look at him turning my body to the window avoiding his eyes. I continued to click my nails together as I stared out of my window. "Dammit!" Klaus snapped, causing me to flinch looking over at him to see him frustrated. "Would you stop clicking your nails together?" I clenched my jaw at him. 

"Stop taking your anger out on me." I said, before unbuckling my seatbelt. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at me confused. 

I kept myself quiet, unlocking the car before opening the door and slipping out. I went on the other side of the backdoor, slipping in and sitting right beside my brother, catching Klaus's eyes in the review mirror. I turned my gaze away slamming the car door shut as I heard him sigh. 

I slumped into the seat looking down at my wedding and engagement ring on my ring finger. I twirled them around as I glared out the window, feeling my brother's gaze burning into my skin. "That's it new plan." Klaus said, giving up. 


Klaus had set a plan to see if Ray is actually inside the house. There were two plans but we'll have to see which one will work out. "Rudy!" We hear a woman whistle. "Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you." I felt Klaus grab my hand dragging me with him behind the woman. 

I sighed in annoyance as the woman turned around and jumped when she saw us in front of her not knowing we were there. "I'm sorry." Klaus apologizes in an american accent, making me look over at him and raise an eyebrow at his accent. "We didn't mean to scare you." I hoped she wouldn't believe him as revenge of snapping at me yesterday and today. 

The woman glanced from me to Klaus hesitantly. "Can I help you?" The woman asked, Klaus wrapped his arm around my waist squeezing my hip for me to say something. 

I sucked in a breath. "Yeah." I stared. "Our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh I feel like we've been walking forever yours is the first house we came to so we were kind of hopping if we could use your phone?" I asked, making up a lie. I hated lying it was like my punishment. 

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