Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: (4x03) The Rager 

I sighed trying to move but Klaus' arm prevented me from moving causing me to glare at his arms around my waist. "Klaus." I whispered, he remained asleep not waking up. "Klaus." I whined, trying to shake him awake. His mouth twitched, causing me to know he was fake sleeping. "I know you're not actually asleep." I pointed out, causing his eyes to flutter open and stare at me with a smirk. 

I squealed when he flipped me over pinning my hands against the pillow. "Good morning to you too, love." He kissed my lips causing me to laugh against them. 

I grinned at him, as he stared down at me with a smile. "Are you willing to let me go so I can prepare myself." He smirked at me, bringing his face closer to mine. 

"No." Before I could argue back he slammed his lips against mine. I pulled away breathing in the cold air surrounding us. His lips trailed down my neck causing me to close my eyes tightly. 

"K-Klaus. I have to get ready." He sighed against my neck, making me chuckle at his breath tickling my neck. 

"I was planning on keeping you here all day." He winked. I shook my head not wanting to be kept in the bedroom all day. "Who said you have a say in this?" He said, tickling my sides causing me to laugh. 

"Stop." I giggled against his shoulder as he continued to tickle my sides, the tickling stopped and soon his lips went back to my neck. "How do you think you're gonna keep me in the bedroom all day?" I asked, as soon as I saw a smirk grow on his face my eyes grew wide. "Oh no. No." I repeated, shaking my head. 

He nodded his head. "Oh, yes. Yes." He smirked, smashing his lips against mine. I sighed against his lips giving into the kiss. 

 ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ 

(Outfit on top)

After hours I finally convinced Klaus from letting me out of the bedroom, but the only reason why he agreed with me was because he had his own plans today. I made sure my hair was covering my neck, knowing what was under my neck should be hidden from the public eyes. 

I walked closer to the boarding house to see Stefan working on a motorcycle and Damon was talking to him. "Greetings." I said, causing the two to stop talking, they looked over at me as a huge smile grew on my face. 

Damon smiled back at me, pulled me into a hug. "Happy having you here, Ella." He placed a kiss to the top of my head. 

"Thank you." I grinned at the two. "So what are you two talking about?" I asked, crossing my arms raising an eyebrow at the two. 

"Well...A hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night, so basically, he's got vampire poison in a bottle. And I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna eat him." He revealed, causing my eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. 

Stefan sighed, standing up. "I'll go with you." 

"I don't want your help." Damon bit back, making me wince at the two being bitter with each other. "I just want to kill this guy and get the hell out of town. Wasn't that the deal? Whoever Elena doesn't choose leaves?" I frowned at Damon's words. 

"That was before she turned." Stefan argued back.

"You're leaving?" I asked cutting in, my voice filled with hurt. 

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