Chapter 9

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3x04: Disturbing Behavior. 

I was in the hotel room we were staying at. Today we are going to take Rebekah to buy her modern clothes, right now I was getting ready for the day. I placed my straightener down and grabbed my makeup bag, applying makeup. While I was putting on lipstick the bathroom door flew open turning my head to see Klaus. 

He leaned against the door frame, smirking at me. "Are you done yet?" He asked, scanning me from top to bottom. I blushed, shakily putting my lipstick into my makeup bag. My dead heart felt weird as I mentally cursed myself for not wearing my outfit, since I was standing in the bathroom with my undergarment and a robe over it. 

"I-I just need to change my clothes." I said, with a blink of an eye he was standing behind me. His front pressed against my back as he kept his eyes on me in the mirror, he moved my hair past my shoulder. My breathing hitched in my throat as I continued to stare at him intensely through the mirror. 

I felt his breath against my neck as his arms wrapped around my waist. He was slowly killing me, my heart fluttered when his lips brushed against my ear lobe, we held eye contact through the mirror as he smirked. His eyes darkened in lust as he watched me carefully. "You make me lose my mind." He planted at the bottom of my ear, making me gasp. 

My hand instantly went to his arms wrapped around my waist. He buried his head into my neck inhaling my scent, I felt little butterfly kisses against it, making my heart flutter from the loving kisses he sent me. "Nik." I whispered, nervously. 

He chuckled against my neck. "Hm?" He hummed in response, as he continued to plant kisses on my neck causing butterflies and sparks to appear all over my body. 

"Stefan, is going to be here any minute." I whispered, as he continued. 

"I don't care." 

"But I do." I said, he tightened his hold around me. "Rebekah is probably waiting for u-" I cut myself off when I heard the door of the room open. I quickly got out of Klaus' death grip grabbing his arm and taking him into the shower. 

"Ella." I heard Stefan. I let out a breath, walking out of the bathroom. 

He looked at me. "You're not dressed?" He asked, surprised. 

I put my lips in a line. "I'll get dressed right now. I'll be out as soon as i'm done." He nodded his head, and turned around walking out leaving me. I sighed in relief, heading towards the bathroom opening the glass door. "He's gone." I informed him before walking out of the bathroom and picking up my outfit. 

I turned around gasping when I almost ran into Klaus' chest. "I need to um..get dressed." I told him, before walking towards the bathroom but he grabbed my wrist. 

"There is no need for that love. I've seen your body before and I wouldn't mind seeing it again." My breath got stuck in my throat as I felt Klaus step closer from behind me. His hand came to my front unwrapping the belt and slowly his finger brushed against my stomach that was now revealed. 

I felt him grab each side of the robe slowly slipping it off until it was off my body and in his hand. I bit my lip as I heard him suck in a sharp breath. "What is this?" He asked, touching my lower back. "He did this?" I closed my eyes. 

"It was so deep, it couldn't heal." My voice broke, as I slightly turned my head to him. 

I could see in the corner of my eyes him glaring down at the scar as anger built up inside of him. "Son of a bastard." He muttered angrily. "I'm so sorry, love." I turned my whole body to him to see him looking down sadly.

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