Chapter 19

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3x15: All My Children.

I sighed fluttering my eyes opened, groaning as I sat up holding the back of my neck, looking around confused and in an instant my heart dropped remembering everything that happened yesterday at the ball. I quickly stood up from the bed scanning the place I was in. They stuck me in a cellar. My heart broke at the thought of my brothers sticking me into a cellar, rushing towards the door pounding on it. 

"Damon!" I screamed, kicking the door. "Stefan! Open this door!" I yelled, as I pounded against the metal door. "Damon! Stefan!" I continued to shout, but it was almost like no one was home. I backed away with tears into my eyes. "Klaus." I whispered, feeling my heart ache at the thought of his mother killing him. 

There was no way in hell I would ever let anyone kill any of the originals. No way. I paced back and forth in the cellar but froze when my eyes fell on a pair of clothes on the floor. I went towards it to see leggings and a shirt with lace shoes.

I looked down at the ballgown I was wearing and sighed in frustration, reaching for the back of my dress unzipping it letting it pool to my feet, throwing it onto the bed and slipping my shoes off, heading towards the clothes and slipped them on quickly. I looked up from my laces when I heard footsteps coming closer. 

"You both really did it?" I chuckled, staring at the two of them entering the cellar. 

Damon sighed in annoyance. "We had to." His voice had a mixture of sadness laced in it. 

I stood up glaring at him. "You had to?" I looked at him in disbelief. "You had to!?" I shouted louder. 

Stefan stepped closer with a tray of food in his hand. "Here, eat this." He handed me the tray. I looked down at it, laughing madly at his action. 

Throwing my head back, staring at the ceiling as I continued to laugh at his stupid action. I slowly looked back at them, nodding my head. "Okay." I muttered, taking the tray from him. 

Damon and Stefan continued to look at me in surprise. I sucked in a breath, gripping onto the tray tightly before slamming it against the wall causing the glass to break. "You both expect me to eat and be calm when my husband is going to die!?" I screamed, Damon clenched his jaw staring at me in anger. 

"Klaus isn't good for you!" Damon shouted back in anger, tears pooled my eyes. "You shouldn't worry about him. He's evil, he deserves what's coming for him." I shook my head, as tears fell down my face. 

"Get out!" I yelled, but they continued to stay in their spot. "Get out! Get out! Get out." I picked up the tray and threw it at them, Stefan quickly caught it in time. "Get out!" Stefan sighed looking over at Damon. 

"Let's go." He turned around walking out of the cellar. 

I slumped onto the ground whimpering at the thought of Klaus being taken away from me. "I swear to you Damon, if Klaus dies I will take my own life." My eyes trailed up to his hurtful ones. "Either I will take my own life or you'll never see me again. You pick." I sobbed, he clenched his fist, glaring down at me. 

He backed away then stormed out of the cellar locking the metal door behind him, leaving me all alone once again. I clutched onto my head as I looked at the cellar that almost reminded me of the same one Mikael had stuck me in when he kidnapped and abused me. He killed my child. He took away my husband. My life. And now my brothers were doing the same minus the child and abuse. 

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