Chapter 29

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Season 4: Episode 5: The Killer. 

(Outfit on top)

My whole body ached as I stirred awake, feeling a comfortable mattress under me. The flashes of what happened previously came to my mind as Conner's face caused me to shoot awake and sit up. I looked around confused as my eyes scanned my old room from my brothers' house. 

The door opened causing my head to snap over to see Stefan entering. "Ella." He rushed towards me as he pulled me into a hug but I was completely confused to hug him back.

He pulled away from me. "Stefan? Ho-How did I end up here?" I asked, looking at my brother puzzled. 

He sighed. "I came to talk to you but when I came back you were laying on the floor." He explained, my head fell into my hands as my head pounded worse than before. 

"Conner escaped." I uttered, looking back up at him. 

He nodded his head. "Klaus texted me. He was worried about you but I told him you were here." He informed me, making me relax. Silence fell over us as I laid my back against the headboard. "Something is wrong with you." Stefan muttered, my head averted to his direction. "I can smell it." 

I shook my head. "I feel fine." I lied, trying to put a fake reassuring smile to convince him. 

He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. "Mm." He hummed, as he scanned me carefully obviously not believing a word I said. 


Stefan and I walked into Alaric's apartment after Stefan was on the phone with Damon, as we were making our way to the apartment Stefan told me everything him and
Klaus were planning. "Did you find the tunnel map?" Stefan asked, as soon as we stepped into the apartment. 

I sent a small smile to Elena who smiled back at me. "Little sis, lovely seeing you here." He greeted, ignoring Stefan. "And Got it. It was in his weapons drawer with seven stakes, some weird MacGyver crossbow, and the last remaining vervain in Mystic Falls, so how about we get this party started." He informed him, finally giving him the answer. 

"Not yet." Stefan responded. "Klaus is sending one of his men. He'll take the front, you and I can take the tunnels." Damon looked surprised by Stefan's words. 

"Since when did we team up with Klaus and the Lollipop Guild?" Damon said. I shot him a look as he looked at me innocently. 

"Well, I already told you, Connor has werewolf venom." Stefan reminded. "We need someone to draw his fire, the hybrids are immune to it so they're our best bets."  He tried to reason. 

"Well, how are you sure that he even has werewolf venom? Why is Klaus involved, Stefan?" Damon continued to interrogate as Elena and I stood there quietly watching the two. 

Stefan and I both looked at each other before looking back at my brother. "Stop being paranoid, Damon." 

"Start telling the truth, Stefan." Damon demanded, walking closer. "Why is Klaus involved? Did he compel you?" He continued to question as my eyes landed on the vervain dart in Stefan's hand. 

My eyes slowly went up to Stefan as I watched him cautiously. "Klaus didn't compel anyone." I snapped, looking over at Damon. "Will you just stick to the plan?" I asked, staring at my older brother with hope. 

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