Chapter 11

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3x06: Smells Like Teen Spirit. 

I woke up to my door barging open. My eyes fluttered open to see Damon standing there with an angry face, my eyes shot open quickly looking beside me and sighing in relief when I noticed Klaus wasn't beside me. I looked at him confused until I heard girls giggling. 

"Your brother has decided to play twister with some girls." I groaned putting my face into my hands as the sheets were wrapped around me. "And why are you naked?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. 

I bit my lip looking at my brother nervously and shrugged. "I got super hot last night." I lied, he nodded his head. "I'll get changed and be down there in a second." 

"I'll give you five minutes." He said, before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him. 

I sighed throwing myself back onto my bed. I bit my lip as the memories of last night came rushing into my mind. I turned my head to see a white paper placed onto my nightstand, looking at it confused before sitting up and reaching for it. I sucked in a breath opening the paper and started to scan it. 

'Love, I didn't want to leave you this morning because of how beautiful and peaceful you looked but I had to force myself to leave since your brothers arrived home and it was time for me to leave town. But I'll be back before you know it and we'll be together again. I'll always love you. 


I smiled looking down at the paper before opening the nightstand drawer and sticking it in there. I threw the sheets off me and grabbed my robe then walked into the bathroom starting the shower, I continued to smile as I stared at myself in the mirror. I was surprised when Damon didn't smell Klaus' scent off me. Unless he did but he is acting like he didn't.

I shook my head, stripping off my robe and walked into the shower, washing my hair and body with shampoo and body wash. When I had finished I stepped out of the shower grabbing my undergarment slipping them on then walking into my closet and grabbing random clothes before slipping them on. (Outfit on top)

I walked back into the bathroom turning on my blow drier and dried my hair then grabbed my straightener and straightened my hair before doing my makeup. I huffed as I scanned myself in the mirror with approval.

I hummed my way out of the bathroom and my bedroom as I walked towards Damon who was waiting next to the stairs. I heard music playing downstairs as the girls continued to giggle, Damon and I glanced at each other before making our way down the stairs. 

I quickly dodged the dead bodies on the floor. "Okay..." I trailed as we walked into the parlor room to see Stefan playing twister with a few girls as there was blood on the mat. I gasp and scrunched my face in disgust not knowing why I was starting to get disgusted in blood instead of being hungry for it. 

"Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please." The Alexandra girl handed him her wrist as he bit down on it. 

I sucked in a breath looking over at Damon. "Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." I sent Damon a look. I shake my head looking at Stefan in disappointment as I watched innocent girls being compelled in doing what my brother is forcing them into. 

  "You mean, they owe us a Persian rug?" I huffed crossing my arms. "It's my house, too, brother." He reminded making me shake my head at him. "Ooh! Would you like a spin?" I watched Stefan hold up the spinner. 

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