Chapter 16

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3x12: The Ties That Bind.

I shot up, placing my hand onto my sweaty chest, breathing in and out heavily as I stared at the wall across from me. The door of my bedroom flew open causing my head to snap towards the direction of the door to see Damon looking at me in concern.

 "Are you okay?" He questioned causing tears to form in my eyes. 

I shook my head as tears fell down my face. "No." 

He sighed coming towards me wrapping his arms around me pulling me in his chest. "You did the right thing..." He paused for a second while I whimpered in his chest. "You saved yourself." I gripped his shirt continuing to cry. 

"I shouldn't have killed her." I pulled away from him, looking into his eyes. "She had a daughter. I took another child's mother away from them." Sobs escaping my throat as I looked down at my hands with fear. "I killed her." My hands shook. 

"Ella." I quickly stood up dashing into the bathroom, slamming the door as I locked it. 

I continued to stare at my hands with tears falling down my face. "What did you do?" I whispered to myself. "What did you do!?" I screamed, picking up the boxed jewelry and throwing it at the mirror causing it to shatter in pieces. "Why?" I sobbed, sinking to my knees. 

"Ella!" I heard Damon scream from the other side of the door. He pounded on the door. "Ella. Open this freaking door!" He shouted, continuing to pound against the door. 

My sobs slowly died down as my disgusting hands reached for a sharp piece of glass onto the floor. "These hands kill people, Damon." I said, surprisingly calmly as I continued to stare at them in disgust. "These hands have people's blood on them. These hands take people's lives." I heard Damon sigh against the door as the pounding stop. 

"Open the door. Please." He begged. 

"No. These hands have to go." 

"Ella! Whatever you are planning on doing stop it!" He pounded on the door. 

I placed the sharp glass on my wrist. "These hands kill people." I sobbed, Damon stopped pounding on the door as I put pressure on it. 

"Ella." My heart fluttered at the British accent coming from the door. "Ella. Whatever you are doing stop." I glared down at my hands as tears fell from my eyes. 

"I killed people. Klaus." I heard him sigh from the other side of the door. 

"We all have." He said, softly. My hand that was holding onto the sharp glass was bleeding from how tightly I was holding onto it not aware of how tightly I was holding it. "Open the door, Ella." He pleaded. I closed my eyes. 

"No." I responded shortly. 

"I guess you want it the hard way." I heard him whisper before hearing footsteps fade away and in a second the door flew open causing me to gasp and turn my head to see an angry looking Klaus. He was fuming from anger. "What are you doing!?" He shouted angrily. He went to come near me. 

I aimed the glass to my heart. "Don't." Klaus froze in his spot staring at me with wide eyes. "This is the second time I've killed a person who has a family. Who has children!" I shouted, as tears fell from my eyes. 

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