Chapter 17

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3x12: Bring Out The Dead.

It was dark outside with the moon shining brightly at my window as I sat at the window post staring out, looking up at the stars. I couldn't fall asleep at all worrying about Klaus since Elijah had been undaggered. I was afraid that Elijah would do something to hurt his brother badly, sighing as I twirled the necklace around my neck. 

I tried calling Klaus but he wouldn't answer that worried me the most. Damon wouldn't let me leave the house to check if he is okay, him being Damon Salvatore decided to sleep in the parlor just so he knows if i'm sneaking out. 

I almost screamed when a figure outside of the window caught my attention, quickly standing up. I opened the window as Klaus stepped inside, putting his finger to his lips motioning me to not say anything. He stepped towards me cupping my face and quickly connected my lips with his. 

My eyes fluttered closed as I gave in to the kiss without questioning him or saying anything. I wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes causing the kiss to deepen. We slowly stumbled to the bed without breaking the kiss, my body fell to the bed as he hovered over me, pulling away from my lips. 

He smirked staring down at me. "You're going to kill me one day with those lips, my Ella." I blushed, playing with the button of his grey shirt. 

"Did Elijah touch you?" I asked with concern. 

He smiled down at me pecking my lips. "I'm fine aren't I?" He whispered, I scanned his face and smiled up at him. 

"My brothers are home." Klaus chuckled. 

"I know that." He kissed my lips once again. "That is why I came to give you a little visit to show you that i'm okay." He removed himself from me standing up, I followed his action as we walked towards the window. "I'll see you tomorrow, love." He kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep." 

I nodded smiling at him, leaning up kissing his cheek. "Good night, Klaus." He winked at me and with a blink of an eye he was gone like a dream. I let out a shaky breath, shutting the window and locking it. 

I walked over to the bed sleeping under the covers, laying my head on the pillow with my thoughts filled with Klaus and my brothers. 

Would they ever get along in the future?


I stood behind Damon quietly not saying a word, leaning against the wall watching him go through my closet and going past many clothes. The whole entire time he didn't know I was standing there, I was surprised he didn't smell my scent unless he was ignoring me. 

I put my hand on my hip. "What are you doing?" I asked, he turned around looking over at me.

 "We are having a little sit down with your husband." He responded, causing me to freeze in my spot and stare at him with wide eyes. 

I leaned against the door frame, narrowing my eyes at my older brother as I crossed my arms. "You're planning something, aren't you?" I glared at him, he sighed in annoyance taking a dress out and walking up to me. 

Pushing the dress into my hands. "Don't worry i'm not planning to kill that evil husband of yours." 

I rolled my eyes looking down at the dress he pushed into my hands. "Why am I wearing this?" I questioned, staring down at it before my eyes traveled over to Damon. 

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