The class president

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I was trying to sleep in Math class, but I could literally feel Gabriella's eyes burning my skull.  She wasn't the only one either.
"Ugh!" The Math teacher cried exasperated. "Wake up!" I quickly snap my eyes open to move aside making him hit the girl behind me with the piece of chalk.

Everyone gasped while the girl, who was Tracy winced.
"This is your fault Damian!" Gabriella barked across the classroom.
"How is it my fault?" I asked. "I am not the one who threw the chalk at Tracy."
"Actually, the chalk was intended for you man." Benjamin said. I gave him a look. He shot his hands in surrender and turned away.

"Everyone, please calm down." The Math teacher said then turned to the injured student. "Tracy, are you okay?"
"Yes Mister Johnson." Tracy replied in a heartbeat then she forced a smile. "No harm done." I turned down to her neck where the chalk had hit. It was turning bright red.
"I am really sorry Tracy. It's because of that annoying boy who is sitting in front of you." Mister Johnson said.

I languidly turned to him.
"Sure. Also blame me for your sad life." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows at me and his face turned bright red.
"Damian! Go to the principal's office!" He barked.

"Why? Because I just spoke the truth?" I asked. The Math teacher growled while a few people snickered and others like Gabriella rolled her eyes.

Before the teacher could breathe his raging fire out of his mouth the bell rang. Saved by the bell. I quickly packed away my stuff along with everyone else. However, we all froze when Principal Amy was by the door.
"Please return to your seats year twelve." She softly said walking inside the classroom and closed the door behind her. Okay. Spoke too soon.

We all turned to the principal in anticipation. Even Mister Johnson was in the dark like how we were. "I am here to give the class president their badge." She explained then turned to her employee who flinched. He turned away looking ashamed.

His eyes scanned the classroom while we just stared at him in confusion.
"Tracy." He said turning to the shy girl behind me.
"Oh great." I heard her sarcastically mumble while Gabriella whooped loudly like she was given the position as class president.
"Tracy, you're the class president. That's amazing." She said.
"Thanks." Tracy softly said. It was clear that Mister Johnson gave her the position to bribe her into not snitching him out about the chalk incident.

The principal was perplexed then she turned to the girl Mister Johnson picked.
"" she gave her a small silver box. Tracy rose from her seat and walked towards the principal. She was given the box and I saw a slight look of excitement in her eyes as she walked back to her table. "You are all dismissed. Mister Johnson, do you mind coming to my office?" I snorted at the irony. He wanted to send me there earlier. It was like they said; karma was a bitch.

The Math teacher nodded quietly then rose and followed the principal out the classroom. I grabbed my school bag and wore one strap around my shoulder.
"It looks so pretty." Tracy said.
"Of course it is and it's yours." Gabriella said while sitting next to her. I turned to them curious. They were indeed a friendship that I would never understand. Tracy was introverted and a good little two shoes while Gabriella was extraverted and a bad girl. Still...they somehow worked.

"Hey." Benjamin called behind me. I teared my gaze away from the girls and walked towards him as he was by the door.
"What's up?" I asked as we stepped out the classroom.
"Leonard is throwing a party later tonight. I was wondering if you might be interested." Benjamin explained.

I stared at him in disbelief.
"A party? Dude, it's Monday." I said.
"Yes, and?" He asked. "Are you coming or not?"
"Well, it's not like I have any plans either. Why not?" I shrugged. Besides I could finally get a drink. However, a terrible thought then crosses my mind. "Wait, is Gabriella also invited?" I asked.
"Come on Damian. Don't tell me you're actually afraid of her." He said with a smirk.

I could take it but my ego couldn't.
"I am not." I replied narrowing my eyes at him. "I was only wondering."
"Sure you were." Benjamin said chuckling slightly. I rolled my eyes telling myself to calm down. Besides, I did need an excuse to have fun. What could go wrong?


A/N: Please tell me your thoughts in the comments and remember to vote. Also please follow me. Thank you for reading 😊

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