Do you want some gum?

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"That was harder than the previous ones." I said while walking inside the kitchen and went to the fridge. I took out a bottle of chilled water just as the other two devils trailed inside languidly.

"Usually, I would have argued that we have seen far worse, but on this one I will agree with you human." Rachel said then threw herself on the black couch in the living room which was across the kitchen a few feet away.

I drank a sip of the water and frowned as I turned to her.
"I have a name devil." I said.
"You also have attitude." Rachel said with a smirk as she put her hands behind her head then leaned back on the couch.

I shook my head then turned to Oliver who had a calculating look on his face.
"Is something wrong?" I asked. From my question Rachel snapped her eyes open and turned to him as well.
"We faced challenges with humans before, but it was never this difficult." He said.

"Well, Oliver it could be that those halo heads are working their asses too." Rachel said. "They are not just all talk, you know?"
"I don't have much knowledge about either side." I shrugged. "But you shouldn't think too much of it. On the bright side we succeeded." I added.

They both grimaced, and I flinched realizing my mistake.
"You're too optimistic." Rachel pointed out.
"It's because of my stepmother." I whispered lowering my eyes then sighed softly. "I have to go do some reporting. See you both later." I said turning to them.
"Later." Rachel said while the other devil nodded.

I walked inside the office. It's spacious area always made me feel smaller than an ant. There were obsidian black walls around the room and soft red carpet floors. A luxurious grey armchair was pushed near the large window that had black curtains that were opened.

On my left was a huge table where Malcolm explained that I will be working. There was a neat pile of papers that Chase organized. I was afraid to touch them because I knew that I was going to fuck up his order and get in trouble with him.

I inhaled softly then gingerly approached the table. I slowly sat down on the soft black chair then began working. However, five minutes in a sneeze echoed around the room.

"Bless you." I said not looking up from my work till it hit me suddenly. "Hold on." I looked up then began to look around the office. "Hello? Who is here?" I asked. "Show yourself." I commanded wrapping a hand over my bracelet to begin to attack.
"You can easily be murdered." That voice. I turned to the armchair. The back was facing me but, I knew who was sitting on it.

I rose from the chair and walked towards the armchair.
"Chase, what the heck are you doing here?" I asked. "You're supposed to be in bed resting." I watched in horror as the devil make himself more comfortable on the armchair.
"I'm here to make sure that you don't sink this ship." Chase said.

"By spying on me?" I asked.
"It's not the brightest ideas but it's an idea." He said. "I will do whatever it takes to protect hell from those angels and you."
"Please." I scoffed. "I am not interested in destroying hell. I just want to do the best that I can until Malcolm finds a way to fix this." I explained.

Chase scanned me from top to bottom quickly then frowned and turned to look away.
"Nice story. You can sell it to someone else higher than me and they might believe you, but I don't." He said. "What does the report say?" He asked turning to me.

I stared at him in disbelief then folded my arms across my chest.
"Excuse me, who is the boss here?" I asked.
"Who is the devil here?" Chase asked giving me a narrowed look. Damn. Rachel was wrong to say that I had attitude. It was nowhere near compared to Chase's.

Defeated I let out a deep sigh while closing my eyes for a moment before opening them again to face the devil.
"Fine. We can keep each other company." I said. "But on one condition; you sit there and don't say anything."

"Fine." Chase said.
"Fine." I whispered to myself then turned to walk back to the table. I continued to work but a few minutes in I looked over at Chase who was watching me like a hawk. "Uh... Are you going to watch me like that the whole time?" I asked.
"What else do you want me to do Damian?" Chase asked. I don't know. Lift me up from the chair, bang my body on the table, strangle my throat then kiss me like a hungry beast.

I widened my eyes at my own thoughts.
"You can do whatever you want. I'm almost done here anyway." I said then shifted my focus to work.

"I will just say one thing then after that I will shut up." Chase began minutes later. "Do you want some cum?"
"Excuse me?" I asked, but I did feel my cheeks heating up.
"Do you want some cum?" Chase repeated.

"Uh..." I bit my bottom lip and looked away out of embarrassment. I mean, sure. But I didn't think you were going to ask like that. Though, knowing Chase that was probably a test. Of course. He wanted to know if I wasn't a pushover. "No." I replied turning to my work feeling proud of myself for proving him wrong.

Though, his perplexed look did bother me.
"Okay. More for me then." He said. I widened my eyes and turned to see him unwrapping a packet of gum. I wrinkled my eyebrows.
"What was your question again?" I asked realizing that I may have misheard him.

Chase turned to me.
"Do you want some gum?" He repeated a bit louder and slower than the previous times.

My face fell. I wanted the earth to swallow me whole. How could I think that he was asking me that?!

The devil noted my expression and furrowed his silver-grey eyebrows. "What did you hear?" He asked.

"Nothing." I quickly replied then turned to my work as my brain went back to what he said compared to what I heard. He did honestly ask me if I wanted some gum, but my horny brain made me hear something else. Anyway, I tried to finish up some work, but I was sinking in embarrassment.


A/N: The gum and cum thing literally happened to me in real life. Believe it or not. I seriously thought that the person was asking me if I wanted some cum.

I was already accepting a steamy scenario like okay if that's what you want I'm down. That sort of thing. But I realized that they were asking me if I wanted some GUM.

There it is – my confession that I will probably regret later 😅

Anyway, thank you so much for reading. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had so much fun writing it.

Please vote and tell me your thoughts in the comments 😊

Okay. Bye now ❤️

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