The Plan

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“I don’t like this idea.” I said.
“Me too.” Rachel said while leaning back on the wall behind her.
“Yeah.” Oliver shrugged.

Damian frowned.
“Oh come on. This idea might just end this stupid war.” He said.
“And just how sure are you exactly that it’s going to work again?” Oliver asked.

The four of us were standing near an alley which was a few feet away from the other side’s secret location. Damian’s plan involved finding the unknown figure because according to him they might be still there.

He believed that the figure might have been an angel trying to destroy hell and create war. Or, most unlikely though, the angel had made an accident which caused that massive destruction.

Damian sighed softly while pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Can the three of you have a little faith in me and the plan?” He asked.
“Damian, it looks like you’re forgetting just which side you’re working for.” Rachel said.

“I wish I killed Matthew instead so that heaven will destroy you.” Damian snapped.

We all stared at him in disbelief while he pretended that the glares didn’t bother him and he took out a rolled up white poster from the black backpack that he was carrying.

“Infiltrating the other side will be easy because unlike hell nobody upgraded and activated security. My guess is that they are too busy trying to destroy you that it slipped their minds. We don’t have to worry about them infiltrating hell because of the tight security that I activated.” He explained.

“You activated the security?” Oliver asked. “I thought it was on this whole time.”

Damian stared at him in intrigue.
“No. I don’t know just how long it wasn’t active, but at least it’s on.” He explained.
“How did you know that it was off?” I asked.

“From the book Malcolm gave me to read. Page…” His voice trailed off and he soon wrinkled his eyebrows. “Wait. Have none of you read and finished that book?” He asked.

“Not really.” Rachel replied with a shrug.
“Besides we don’t need to know all the rules. All we need to know are the basics and there is no time to finish the whole book because we had to begin work as devils.” Oliver explained.

Damian stared at them in disbelief.
“Meanwhile, I had to do both.” He whispered lowering his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him then thought of a way to hurt him further.
“You’re really smart.” I instead said because my mouth developed a mind of its own. What happened to hurting him? 

The three of them turned to me in disbelief. Damian’s cheeks turned red after we made eye contact and he quickly looked away while I did the same trying to hide my own heating cheeks. Why did I say that? 

“Thanks.” Damian said with a smile tugging at his lips. He turned to the poster in his hand. “Can we please go through the plan again?” He asked turning to us. Rachel and Oliver exchanged glances then turned to me for a brief moment before nodding.

“Sure.” Oliver replied while Rachel nodded.
“Chase?” Damian asked meeting my gaze.
“I have no objections.” I replied.

He nodded quietly then turned his focus to unrolling the poster while I lowered my eyes and became deep in thought. Why does he care about hell so much? Why did I care about him? Did I care about him?
“Right. The plan goes as follows.” Damian began. 


We agreed to split up because we were going to find the unknown figure faster by using that method.

I turned to Damian who was next to me shaking. We were both hiding behind a wall and I was about to go along with the plan, but stopped because of him.

Normally, I would have called him pathetic and be belligerent towards him, but the more I watched him the more I didn’t want to hurt him anymore.

I held his shoulder catching him by surprise as he turned to me with his eyes widened.
“Try to breathe.” I said avoiding eye contact with him because I had no idea what had gotten into me.

Maybe it was the positivity of the other side affecting me. I let go of Damian’s shoulder still avoiding eye contact then walked away.


My jaw slowly fell while watching him walk away. From just his touch it seemed like my anxiety had depleted.

“Damian, are you there?” Oliver asked through the black air pod that I had worn on my right ear.

“Yeah. I’m still here.” I replied. “The key is to not be discovered that you’re devils.”
“I think we can act cute and sparkly for fifteen minutes or so.” Rachel said.

I rolled my eyes, but felt strangely assured also.
“Remember not to touch an angel Rachel. Their holy energy in here is too strong.” Chase said through our connected air pods.
“Of course.” Rachel said.
“Noted.” Oliver said.
“Alright. Let’s move.” I said.


A/N: Just a reminder this is all a work of fiction. I am not saying that angels and devils behave this way or anything like that. This is for entertainment purposes only. Please don't take it seriously and just enjoy reading.

The book is inspired by the series called Supernatural and another series that I used to watch as a kid called Angel's friends – which ended horribly so this is sort of a way to get over the trauma of the series ending horrifically :)

Both series were fun to watch and I wanted to write something similar to them for a long time. Though, I didn't want to keep it to myself and have always dreamed to publish a book one day. This is my first one.

No hard feelings please ❤️

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy your day or night.

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