Our power

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I widened my eyes in shock while watching white and black energy thrum around his hand. The two energies combined and were electric. In one motion Benjamin shot a beam of that electric black and white energy.

I was cornered. Thinking on my feet I materialized a fiery shield but I knew deep down that power alone wasn't going to be enough to protect me.

However, to everyone's surprise Damian grabbed Matthew's angel blade and shot out a white beam to counter the attack from the neutral one.
"What the..." Benjamin began but his voice trailed off when we now noticed that the white beam was also being combined with a black beam.

"No way. He's using the devil energy that he learnt over these months to merge with the holy energy from the blade." Oliver explained. I widened my eyes and turned to Damian who was using his whole strength to stop the beam from hitting me. He was incredible.

Benjamin frowned.
"Nice try, but it won't work." He said then began to exert more energy to his electric beam and it was beginning to make the other beam falter.

Damian winced and almost dropped the angel blade. Rachel took her arm out of the cage to use her devil fork to shoot out a fiery beam to push back the beam coming from Benjamin.

Oliver followed suit with his own devil fork being very careful just like Rachel not to touch the cage. Matthew held onto Damian's hand as he exerted his holy energy to the weapon. However, it wasn't enough to push Benjamin's power away. "You're all pathetic, do you know that?" The neutral one asked.

I tried with my own devil fork but it still wasn't enough.
"No, we're not." A different voice said coming from the sky.

We all widened our eyes then turned to the voice to see the angels and devils united. They all followed our attack and slowly but surely Benjamin's power was weakening.

"It isn't just one power." Lucifer said.
"It's from all our power." Christopher said. They exchanged glances and nodded before turning to the opponent.

Benjamin grunted as he tried to overpower us, but his power was too weak to counter it.
"No!" He cried as all the beams hit him and he was now a bundle of ashes.

We all stopped and took a moment to breathe and of silence. However, after Damian collapsed we began to worry again.

I dropped my devil fork and rushed over him.
"Don't worry. He'll be okay. His body is just too fatigued but the poison is cured." Matthew assured me.

Meanwhile, a few angels went to free Rachel and Oliver from the cage. The four of them exchanged nods instead of death glares like before and it was because of a human. He stopped a war of centuries in only matters of months.



I grunted before opening my eyes. I looked around the strange room trying to remember what happened before. When it all came rushing back I sat up from the bed and got out of it. I recognized the room as one of the rooms in hell.

I went around looking for him and it didn't take me that long. He was outside the backyard kissing some blonde. My heart broke and my eyes stung.

He broke off the kiss suddenly then noticed me watching them.
"Damian?" He called. I shook my head and walked away regretting my decision on looking for him.



I had come out the backyard to think about what almost happened and reflect when she came out of nowhere. I recognized her as the girl Oliver was trying to hook me up with in the past.

"Hey, thinking hard?" She asked.
"Bianca, please leave me alone. We're not fucking. I made that clear long time ago." I said not turning to her. Except, I didn't expect her to suddenly kiss me.


The time I pushed her away was after I noticed him.
"Damian, let me explain." I said even though I had no idea why I felt compelled to explain myself, but I didn't like the idea of him being hurt because of me.

"What exactly could you explain Chase?" He asked.
"It's not what it looked like." I said.
"That's what exactly it did to me." Damian said with tears in his eyes that made my heart clench the exact same way it did when he was weak and after he collapsed.

"Do you know I spent the past few months flirting, dropping hints, pretending to be brave and good at this job just so you could ask me out on a freaking date." He said poking my right shoulder from the last two words.

"I never asked you to do that." I said.
"And the fact that you don't know that says everything." Damian said.

While I was trying to process where he was going with what he was saying he sighed. "Though, I shouldn't be surprised. They do say that karma is a bitch." He suddenly closed his eyes and held my hand. "You want to be alone Chase? Then be alone." Damian said after opening his eyes but doesn't turn to me.

It took me a moment to realize that he was giving me his soul. My devil fork glowed brighter which meant that I was now the prince of hell.

"A soul defines a person. I was the prince of hell, but I'm not anymore because I don't have a soul. It was only common sense and it hit me when I almost died." He explained not meeting my gaze.

I turned to him but couldn't find any words. Meanwhile, he began to fade away and went back to the human world. I remained alone with the title that I always wanted my whole life. Except it didn't feel like how I imagined.

"Where's the human?" Lucifer asked behind me.
"He left." I replied barely in a whisper.
"What do you mean he left?" Lucifer asked.

I lowered my eyes.
"He gave me his soul and by doing so he transferred ownership of hell from him to me." I explained turning to my hand that glowed blue and had some patches of red in the flame. This is what I wanted, right? Then why do I feel incomplete?

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