The new boss

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The following morning I set off to work. However, I wanted to check in on the boss first. He didn't return from the human world ever since last night. I heard that he left shortly after Oliver and I went to that party. He was still gone.

I furrowed my eyebrows while looking around the empty office. However, my heart dropped when I saw that his devil fork was not glowing red like it was supposed to be. That could only mean one thing. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it.

I shook my head taking a step back.
"No." I whispered.
"Chase?" Oliver called walking inside the office. His eyes turned to the fork then to me. "It's true. He was murdered last night."

"Was it that halo head?" I asked lowering my eyes. I was taken aback by how quiet and calm my voice was. "I swear I will cause serious damage to heaven and destroy every single thing in it." I turned to him while he lowered his eyes.
"No. Matthew didn't kill him." Oliver said.

"Then who did?" I asked. Oliver inhaled softly then slowly turned to me.
"At the moment we are not entirely sure. They are still investigating." He replied.

I lowered my eyes then turned to the black fork. This was maybe my chance.
"What are we going to do in the meantime?" I asked turning to him.

Oliver lowered his eyes.
"I think I heard the council discuss something about finding a replacement." He said. Everything was just falling in place. This was it. Maybe Brycen's murder is the key to unlocking my dream.

I nodded.
"What did they say?" I asked.
"They will tell us a way forward some time later." He shrugged. I lowered my eyes as excitement enthralled around my body. I couldn't wait to be made boss. I was the perfect replacement. Nobody else stood a chance.   


Later that night we were all assembled to the main hall. I felt confident. Though, that council didn't strike me as the brightest bunch.

"Hey man." Oliver said shimmering towards me. I only turned to acknowledge his presence with a straight face that he grew used to by now. "Who do you think will be the new boss?"
"I don't know." I truthfully replied. I had confidence in myself but I didn't have much in the council. For the first time that day I actually felt anxious. 

I swallowed hard then turned to face the council to try and distract myself from the anxiety that was swimming around my body. The council were devils considered to be of higher authority, but they often intervened in the absence of our leader.

They slowly sat on their stools while we waited – impatiently for their verdict. One of them smacked her lips together then languidly turned to us.
"We as the council decreed as follows: in the death of the ruling devil, Brycen it has been determined that whoever killed him be made the new leader." She explained. There was silence as we had no idea what to say.

I gritted my teeth then stormed towards them.
"Chase?" Oliver called trying to stop me, but I was too blinded by rage to comprehend his reasoning.
"That's preposterous." I said.
"And who are you to dare question our decision?" One of them asked leaning towards me trying to intimidate me, but it didn't work.

I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I have been a loyal devil for centuries. I will not be ordered around by the same person that murdered our respected leader!" I explained. The council widened their eyes while there were multiple gasps around the assembly.

The first council member rolled her eyes.
"According to the rules of the Earth that is how it works. Whoever kills the ruler of any side; heaven or hell will be automatically made the next leader." She explained. "In this case, the leader is a human and should he die then he is bounded by the title for eternity, and cannot be killed by anything. Not even by the angel's gun that he used to kill the previous ruler."

I wrinkled my eyebrows and subconsciously took a step back feeling appalled by what I had just heard.
"Hold on. Did you just say that a human killed Brycen and he is going to be our new boss?" Oliver asked behind me.

The second member of the council nodded.
"Damian Miller will be your new boss. The next assignment is to find him and bring him to hell." He explained.
"Damian..." My voice trailed off. I lowered my eyes as I felt rage burn up my whole body. ✓

A/N: Hey! Song that was used was Royalty by NEONI. Thank you so much for reading. Please leave your thoughts in the comments if you want. Or stay a silent reader. It's okay. Please don't forget to vote!!!

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